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Flying the flag in 2004

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not even one really I think we need confirmation from Fleet fanatic that he was only joking lol.


I agree that one is too many. The one that really matters is Tony Blair, although I think his head should be sitting atop the gates of the Tower of London for offering up the Island of Gibraltar to the bloody Spanish when all of it's inhabitants want to remain British. Treason surely!

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chris blanc (GNFC) said:
not even one really I think we need confirmation from Fleet fanatic that he was only joking lol.

I agree that one is too many. The one that really matters is Tony Blair, although I think his head should be sitting atop the gates of the Tower of London for offering up the Island of Gibraltar to the bloody Spanish when all of it's inhabitants want to remain British. Treason surely!

Yes - I was being sarcastic. Well done for spotting it.

The real flag will return tomorrow!

Gravesindian - do you REALLY think that I would give up so easily????? <img src="/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
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Gravesindian said:
I'm actually quite intrigued by some of the replies on here! Firstly I didn’t expect anyone to actually agree that the British flag should be revamped or modernised and in my opinion anyone who thinks it should can only be classed as a traitor. If you’re as proud of your country, history, and culture and so on as you claim to be (and when I say claim, I’m gonna take some convincing) then how can you honestly even consider changing your flag? Talk about surrendering without a fight. Two world wars and one world cup - different type of Briton them I’m afraid. Sort yourselves out.

Surrender? Never!

Rule Britannia.....
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I'm keeping my mouth shut, or I may get banned................


Bloody Nationalist and proud of it.


(Nationalist, NOT Racist, please note !!)

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Don't even try and mess with our flag or our anthem, I have said this before ,we are the greatest nation on earth, always have been, always will be. We should not pander to any twats who try to change us, or our signs of nationality.

I hate this government and the people it insists on appeasing in the most stupid of ways. Bring back Maggie.

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Got to differ with you on 2 points, Mr Squawky.


1. I really can't abide the anthem - adulation of a fellow human being for no other reason than accident of birth is anathma to me. Just as I really, really object to being one of "Her Majesty's subjects." I'm no one's subject. I'm proud to be a British citizen & that's what we should be known as.


2. Maggie Thatcher. Oh dear. I feel sorry for the old girl now she's suffering from dementia, but History will judge her very harshly, I think. She encouraged people's most selfish instincts & told them it was ok. She also tried to politicise the police force & use it against her opponents, almost like an arm of the Tory Party, rather than a guardian of the people.


Anyway, enough of that. If the Queen & Maggie turn out to be Fleet supporters, I'll suddenly decide I love them after all. Got to get one's priorities right.



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Squawkident said:
Don't even try and mess with our anthem

I'd LOVE to mess with our anthem.....
When it seems that every other country in the world has an anthem about how great their people are, how green their land is, how wonderful the country is, we pathetically sing about how much we love our Queen....!!
If we must use the National Anthem, let's just ignore the first verse - it's outdated and weak...how about using the second:

"O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall;
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
God save us all!"

Suitably roused now....? Right, now let's go and stuff the EU and the French!

PS However.... When Louis XIV was scheduled to open the educational institution at St-Cyr in 1686, his mistress, the Marquise de Maintenon, commissioned Jean-Baptiste Lully to write a tune to be sung by the pupils as "Dieu Protège le Roi".
The French, apparently, did not use it again until 1745.
By which time however, the melody had been attributed to Henry Carey (a proper English name!) and the Old Pretender, claiming to be King James III of England (who organised his rebellion from France) nicked it to be sung for the first time in Britain when Bonnie Prince Charlie landed in Scotland...So, STILL don't want to mess with it?!

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Just shows that the fans of a football club span a very broad church. Fleet fans come in all shapes and sizes, and judging by the recent threads, the complete spectrum of political,religious and sexual preferences.Probably the only thing we all have in common is that we passionately support the Fleet. So please, can we return to football matters for a while?


PS Daz (Fleetfanatic) Didn't know you were a Tory mate. I'll still have a beer and a chat if you're in the bar tomorrow!!!!!




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