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Margate Neighbourhood Plan


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The Margate Neighbourhood Plan membership is comprised of at least 21 individuals who signed the constitution and who represent a wide variety of ages, skills, professions, and life experiences and includes both long term residents and newcomers to the area.

Members include volunteers who support and maintain Street Schemes, Residents' Associations, heritage and civic associations such as the Friends of Margate Caves, the Margate Civic Society and the Margate Town Team, along with general health , welfare and voluntary organisations such as Thanet Senior Citizens Forum and the Locality Community Organisers programme.
Members of the contribute aspects of expertise to the development of a Margate Neighbourhood Plan such as :- Business ownership, Arts regeneration, digital communications, marketing, commercial film making, university lecturing, tourism and hospitality, heritage, architecture, the geography of territory, politics and change, town planning, school and public governance, farming, town centre re-generation and working with and funding third sector organisations.
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