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Bucks to consult with supporters over club changes

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AFC Telford United Supporters Trust have confirmed that they will be seeking views of members on changes to the Trust and football club which will mean the club being able to sell shares in the business.

The Trust have been the owners of the club for the past eleven years but will be asking members to vote on two options, one of which will allow the club to sell shares, at the forthcoming AGM on 26th November.

A joint statement from Luke Fearnall, chairman of the Trust, and Ian Dosser chairman of the club said: “We are the guardians of the football club and as such we have recognised the shift in the way other football clubs are financing themselves in order to compete and ultimately this has seen us struggle to keep up, especially in the National League. This has led us over the last twelve months to examine and investigate other viable means of ensuring this football clubs long term future.

“The football club board and the supporters trust board have been meeting as one board to discuss the future structure/ownership of the football club and we have put together two options to the co-owners (members).”

“A document called ‘The Future’ has been prepared containing two alternatives for fans to vote on. The first is for no change to the current constitution, whilst the second would permit the club to sell shares to individuals. This has been posted out to trust members - Standing Order Contributors (who are automatically Trust Members) should contact 01952 640064 to obtain their copies if not received.

“The Vote at the AGM will be for members to indicate to the board how they wish them to proceed, with further a detailed proposal to be brought back to a Special Meeting.”

The statement goes on to say: “A lot of thought has gone into this and it was key that we balanced presenting this as quickly as possible to members, whilst ensuring that we came up with the right fit, that would keep supporter involvement at the heart of this football club.

“Both the club Board and Trust Board recommend the option to sell shares. We believe there are a number of individuals who will purchase shares. We also believe that this offer would appeal to a number of supporters/local businessmen and would enable groups of fans to club together to purchase a share.”

Source: www.footballconference.co.uk

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