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Quite impressed with the win on saturday , but didn't think that Oxford had much to offer ( except for a packed defence)


Didn't think that Slough looked balanced. The team was more suited to counter attacks , which suited when Oxford eventually came out in the 2nd half. It was more like the charge of the light brigade at times and numerous chances were wasted. I think that the midfield was packed with attacking style players and left Daly & co exposed - (Daly did wonder where everyone was at the beginning of the second half) There didn't appear to be a holding midfielder and a 4-0-6 sytem appered to be the norm.


I could see why Slough conceed so many goals to the higher placed teams and wonder why , with two average size strikers , that the ball is so often launched into the 6'+ defenders.


Still a good result and an entertaining game for a casual supporter.




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"I could see why Slough conceed so many goals to the higher placed teams and wonder why , with two average size strikers , that the ball is so often launched into the 6'+ defenders."


.....because the guy that used to play the quality balls through on the floor is currently being detained at Her Majesty's pleasure and we haven't come close to replacing him.


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Thats not strictly true. We have launched the long ball for years. often to Andy Deaner who failed to make the best use of his size. We certainly play best when we pass the ball with pace. I don't think there is a team in this league (and by Tuesdays result a few above us) than can live with us when we are on song. The problem is that we are only usually on song for a short period, and then we sit back. We usually play better in the second half, but cant kill the game. Oxford away, and wealdsone away are examples.


We still need someone in midfield to boss the pitch.


I though Gilkes was innefective thereon Saturday and would prefer to see him use his talents out wide. I thought Bubb failed to get a decent run going or create any width, primarily being used as a defensive player, when his inclusion in a home game implied that we were going for an attacking formation.


In my opinion the midfield needs to have more confidence in the defence. The midfield keep dropping back, to the point that there is no gap between midfield and defence, and a huge disconnect between midfield and attack. Thats when other teams hit us where it hurts, because they only have to get through one line of defence not two.





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You're right Paul although my post (accidentally anonymously) was more about how we still miss Veli even though when he was here early in the season we used to hit it long on occasions. Mind you, that was when Steve Hale was in the team who was better in the air than either Boot or Winston so slightly more forgiveable than now.


Ryan Williams was supposed to be the one making things tick on Saturday and despite having a reasonable game never stamped his authority on the game like Hakki used to.


Agree that we need to quicken it up more as that's when we look best. Hitchin were blitzed in the second half by slick passing which is what we should be doing (with all due respect) to teams like Oxford City and others.

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I assume that he's not being paid . I would have thought that after the ITV Digital fiasco that there would be other quality players coming down the pyramid.


So why hasn't he been replaced ?

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What planet are you on Dolphin?


I was never so impressed with Steve Hale either. The one thing about the calley of DALY was that you expected Daly to head it. The call of Halley was often met with a complete miss. But we have been doing things wrong for a long time. We do need a big target man, but dont have one.


Where we really miss Veli is on the quick ball from midfield. Spencer and Metcalf can often see the telling pass but not actually deliver. If you stand where I do on the 25 yard line (Ok 24 meter) you will see Sammy and particularily Tony make a run , check back, make a run, check back make a run , finally get the ball and then be offside. The team then berate them for being offside. They need better FASTER service when a swift counter attack is on. Of course thats not to say they dont stray offside too often anyway.

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Same planet as you , although obviously nearer the play than you on Saturday.


THe question still remains - if Haki wasa so good and the wages are now freed , why no replacement.



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And here's me thinking that I might like to get back to watching Slough and ask sensible questions and get upto date with team


Maybe the Hornchurch supporter is correct




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i'm not jus' a supporta mate...i'm the famous uncle urchin inni...an' wees always rite intwe...ha ha ha....'ere...cor blimey... yous all gotta larf intya at fatso tellin' everione to calm daaan...'es the one that allays starts it all.....bin on ourn channel al' day wiv 'is waffle...

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im very sorry slough town supporters,my old boy uncle urchin must of escaped from his room,his mind aint what it used to be,sometimes he dont even know who i am,his own wife.iv locked him in the pig shead for now so hopefully he wont be botherin you good folks again,gotta go now iv gotta feed them old chickens! got my big old urchin family to feed!

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'ere...cor blimey.....thats betta fatso...its easy when you try to be all original innit...ha ha ha....6 out of ten.....we'll mek a foram genius outaya yet....dunt giv up the factory job jus' yet....you're on a munths trial...ha ha ha....'ere....the ol' gurl's alweys trin' to lock the ol' uncle away...ha ha ha...silly ol' cow....i'm far to cleva fur 'er.......ouch...sory luv...didn't mean it...okay i'm comin....

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he started it


no he didn't


yes he did


no malice from me - just wanted to make a comment about the game on saturday and my own PERSONAL VIEWS on the game plan.

My be wrong - but we're all supposed to be entitled to an opinion - after Roger used to flood the Maidenhead site.

If you can't have a view might as well join Roger's PRH.


I used to watch Slough in 1960's early 70's - there was no censorship/ ridicule if you had an opinion then

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For your information Slough usd to play at the Dolphin Stadium ( just in case you missed the significance )


After all , with your talents of sarcasm and now comedy you maynot undestand the history of your team.




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I too have expressed my own personal views. I dont see any posting from a hornchurch supporter before Dolphins comment about him being correct. Are we being edited again?


Sorry Dolphin I found your comments about Veli offensive, as anyone who knows Slough knows he is in Jail, and not being paid. My point is that no team is going to relaese a good player in the middle of the season without a fee, which we clearly cant afford.


If we could sign a replacement i'm sure we would have. Oh but then the manager and I dont allways see eye to eye on the quality of the squad.


I thought Slough played no where near their potential on Saturday and yet still put three goals past the fith meanest defence in the league. Its only Oxfords lack of goals (just 7 in 12 away matches and 13 in 12 home) that keeps them in the bottom half. But we all know about their cash problems.

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...he he he...told you fatso...its a slippery slope to travel when you get involved wiv drivel on forums....you 'ave to sit in the middle an' not upset people....by the way mr dolphin...everyone has a view at the urchins....includin the pikies...he he he...keep it up fatso...you an' the rabbit'll soon be back at maiden'ead wuntya.....anyway...thats a yellow card for upsettin the friendly ol' dolphin....one more an' yur orf...

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I've re-read my postings today and I really can't see how I've been offensive to Haki . The question was more of " as he is under contract is he still paid" I obviously lost the thread of when his contract was cancelled


I read with interest the support for him when he was jailed and also the views of other local clubs , who were not so understanding. If I wanted I would have contributed then , but kept silent as I wasn't knowedgable to offer any comments. Why should I bring it up now - it's gone ( except for Haki and his family , who still have the loyal support of the majority of the fans posting on this site)


I don't wish to offend anyone as , despite moving out of Slough 21years ago , I still have only the best intentions for STFC and it's supporters.


If offence was taken I aplogise unreservedly - it was never my intention to insult , but to find out why players of the same caliber were not brought in a replacement ( which you've now answered - thank you).

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