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Exeter plan to sue the conferance which will cost the league 500k. This is because of the transfer embargo placed upon them because they can not pay their football debts. The conferance can not afford this bill


In order for this bil to be met all conference clubs may have to pay because Exeter can't manage their finances. This may result in great financal strains on other clubs. Under Football law it is illegal to sue over football related incidents.


I am complaining to the FA in writing and suggesting that Exeter are thrown out over this shamefull act and i would appreciate help from other supporters.


The address is;


The FA

25 Soho Square

London W1D 4FA



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I don't think that you can legally prevent people recoursing to tyhe court, but what you do need to do is make sure that your (Te conference) disciplinary and appeals procedure are just, faier and unbiased.


Don't forget what happened to the BAAF largely as a result of the costs run up in the Modahl case.

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Basically he has responded to an article in the NLP that was somewhat wide of the mark.


We are operating under a transfer embargo which we thought was about to be lifted, only for a new creditor (who worked for 6 weeks as Assistant Commercial Manager) to be placed before us. An FA rule states that because he was sacked rather than left by mutual consent, he counts as a "Football Creditor" and is thus entitled to 100% payment under our CVA.


While there is a lot of frustration at ECFC that every time our transfer embargo is about to be lifted another reason is found to continue this embargo, there is no question of any legal action.


The NLP decided to spice up a slow news week to hint at further legal action (after the actions last season) and our Shot friend obviously picked up on this, choosing to believe the sensationalism of the NLP before hearing the truth.


I hope this clears things up a little!

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