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Consider this as a possible situation.


You find yourself in position where you have made a major error of justment and you are about to be found out. You need to deflect the flack and make out if you are a victim to gain support for your views. You decide to buy a couple of cheap pay as you go mobile numbers to text to your own phone comments that you can then take to the police. As the pay as you go numbers are difficult to trace you have time to tell the world and his wife what pressure you are under and then use that as reason for your next decision to cover your original error.

It is possible to do but would anyone try it??

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Yes Frankie I entirely agree with you. Front page headlines too. Bet we the club or fans wouldnt get page ONE if it were the other way round. The thought had crossed my mind though probably not in the way that you put it,and put it so well might I add. Together with that sham of a meeting the other night plus a sudden appearance on the forum of a MR. Baker, then an anon poster(maybe the same person) trying to wind us up,well me in particular, never before heard of, I come to the conclusions that maybe with the efforts being made by the club and the fans the pressure could be mounting on certain parties thus trying to reverse the public opinion of the club and its fans by any means they see fit. No names are being mentioned here but am sure you get my drift.This may all seem a bit unreal to some but it IS a distinct possibility.I really think we have certain people on the ropes here and that they are trying to sway people against us as recently the popularity of the club and the support for us and our aims has been monumental.

And just for the anon post,the very person I am talking about who has just posted again, may I state that although this may not be the case it still is a DISTINCT possibility.

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Perhaps a visit to the police would be informative to actually see what they really know of this,if they actually know of it at all that is. The calls may well be as they say but again I say it could be a POSSIBILITY.

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Just would like to add that the leader of the council said that if threats are made against him again then he would pull the plug on the club and its aims. Surely he can't do that because of a personnal thing anyway could he? People are getting worried I am sure of it. These are my personnal opinions before I get slated for not listening to others.I am not saying I am right or wrong but the possibility of these things happening are are not to be discarded or are in fact not beyond belief. The council have a fair bit to lose here if the decision goes our way.

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OK, OK, I admit it! Not much gets past you, Cookie! The truth is I am a shape-shifting lizard working on behalf of a secret sect. We are dedicated to destroying Margate FC and seeing Hartsdown turned into a missile-launching pad (handy for when we declare nuclear war on the Isle of Sheppey).

The abusive phone calls to Sandy were made by MI5 agents working on behalf of Ramsgate FC (they have a secret complex under the stand at Southwood).

The next time you see Jimmy Ward, look at the back of his neck. You will see a microchip under his skin. It was planted by Ken Livingstone (he is really a Martian) and members of Blazin Squad (they plan to conquer the Earth, or at least parts of Croydon).

As for Dave Cox and his glasses which can see through concrete, I am sworn to secrecy. But rest assured the truth is out there...

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Having just got hold of a copy of the Gazette after vising my family yesterday, I have to admit this was the first time I knew about the threats to the Council Leader. However, having also read the comments from him at the Wednesday meeting, which appear in the same paper, he is continuing his method of saying things that counter previous comments.

It does still come across that the man is worried about losing face over this whole issue, especially bearing in mind the reports in the Gazette about more waste of Thanet taxpayers money on council logos that don't photocopy and an old town hall building that is collapsing.


Loved the piece on the radio today that stated about the Turner Centre "shark fin" which could not be installed for a couple of days because of the weather conditions - and that was just for testing how it would stand up to the conditions. I am sure that will all end in tears.....or a pile of rubble in the harbour.



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I think we should have David Icke as the next council leader, what an imagination. Just think of the projects he could introduce to rejuvenate Thanet.


On the other matter, if abusive calls were made, the idiot who made them is just playing into their hands, very stupid and unecessary as we seem to have the advantage at the moment.

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im sure these threats were not made by a margate supporter but just by someone trying to muddy the waters again as for saying he would pull the plug on the project because of it it just shows us that he truly believes he can and i think he has made life difficult for this sole purpose.but surely no one person has this kind of power this is meant to be an elected assembley where everyone on it has a say but no doubt as they say the truth is out there the trouble is will the majority of us mere mortals ever get to hear it

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even if he was being thretend he it is nothing to do with the club therefore its a matter for the police if he as it states says that he will cease talks over it that is blackmail and is against the law.

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.....plus a sudden appearance on the forum of a MR. Baker, then an anon poster(maybe the same person) trying to wind us up,well me in particular, never before heard of, I come to the conclusions that maybe with the efforts being made by the club and the fans the pressure could be mounting on certain parties thus trying to reverse the public opinion of the club and its fans by any means they see fit.

Mr Cook,

You have no idea!!!!

Making serious threats to the council leader is not a funny joke. The poor guys does not deserves this abusive calls and if your the voice of the fans, you should be repeating what the club has said on their website.

If seems like from your post that you applaud the moron who done it! you also said "The thought had cross my mine!"

Your a disgrace Mr Cook and i will be forwarding your comments on to Margate FC.

John Baker
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"If seems like from your post that you applaud the moron who done it! you also said "The thought had cross my mine!"



If you read what Cookie wrote, he agrees with me that the person receiving the threats was doing it to himself to deflect attention and not suggesting he thought of phoning texting or whatever any threat to the council leader. Ezekiel is making enough of his own [****!!****] ups to look stupid without us getting involved.



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Mr.Baker.I said I wouldnt reply, but just this once. You are completely wrong in your understanding of my post and it is YOU who is intimating something that is not there. No accusations have been made here concerning ANY councillor. It is YOU who should be wary of what YOU say.


Why have you suddenly come out of the closet after 3 years. Especially at this time. Or are you a previous postee with a different name?


You know of my problem, its trying to get our club back, but through the right channels and with personnal opinions that are carefully worded so as not to put myself into a sticky position.

I would really like to know what YOUR problem is. If you were a real fan of this club you would be supporting instead of the opposite. Are you that jealous that you have to resort to contradiction at every post made.

We are fighting a just cause here and whist I dont expect a clear passage by having everyone agree with me,you seem hell bent on making this a personnal vendetta with me.

You never sway from your beliefs and I wont stray from mine. Why make this into a personnal vendetta?


Give me your address and maybe I personnally can come round and speak to you then maybe we could talk this through face-to-face. You can contact me via a P.M. as I cant contact you!

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