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Did Basildon Zoo..................................

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.........let their residents have a day out yesterday.


What a nasty lot that Basildon mob were. Were they having a competition to see who could break the first leg? No protection from the ref at all. Although he was very good at seeing minor pushes.


All credit to Romford for keeoing their heads and for getting back in the game but as was said on a previous post, we should be beating these sort sides.


Who was the charecter in the ski hat from Basildon who came out fo the seats and leaped over the fence at the end of the game to have a set to with Glen Thomas. If he was trying to stopped something kicking off I would have had some sympathy, but he seemed to be trying to help it all kick off. Now tecnically he should not have been on the playing area and Mr ESL Chairman, remember fining us for supporters running on the pitch to celebrate a goal a few years back at Southend Manor, well what about this guy who came on with violent intent. If you want a witness statement, then Im sure a few people at Romford could provide one.


As for our ex player Alan Wood. Well his attitude impresses no one. I heard afterwards that Glen was upset because somebody had spat at him.


I worked in the Basildon area for 10 years, so nothing suprises me from what I saw yesterday.

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If only this was the rantings of a die hard fan. But I'm afraid it was not. They were scum right down to the bench. Some shaven headed gimp was trying to taunt the Boro fans. He was one of there training staff. But I think everyone treated him as a bit of a joke.

I didn't see the incident at the end. I started walking back but it was over by the time I got there. Was this person escorted off the pitch ? Did anyone else see anything ? I wonder if any other club have had this experience with Basildon ?


I felt the ref wasn't that bad compared to some I have seen. He should of flashed a couple of straight reds though. Son of Robin was right what he said about leg breaking tackles.

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I think it will take more than a "shaven headed gimp" to have much of an effect on us,Lightweight. Though he did seem a remarkably unpleasant person. Their tactic of hustling us was probably the correct one, as on purely footballing terms, they wouldn't have been in it. But some of the two-footed lunges made me wince from the other side of the barrier. This is the sort of team we should be beating, but the players showed great character to fight back, and there didn't look much wrong with that third 'goal'.

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Yes, although he booked a couple of them, the referee appeared to be almost enjoying it, in a "boys will be boys" kind of way. Certainly, their 10 and 8 were playing it for all it was worth, and how the player who kicked one of ours when he was on the ground escaped red, escapes me!

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