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restrictions on the forum


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looks like the ruling politbeaureu have decided to censor incoming posts, probably designed to keep uncle urchin at bay, or perhaps an attempt to shut themselves away from the non league scene as they escalate rapidly into oblivion.

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certinly aint us lot fatboy...wees all jus' abbaaat knows 'ow to switch on an' wind yous lot up....'ere fatboy......whys yous all changed yourn pitcha then...mus' admmit this'n looks betta...ha ha ha...'ere...i's gonna get me mate from the IT gaff raaand the corner to post me fiz'og on 'ere aint i sos yous all can sees me proppa....'ere....you'll all like me foto...it'n wus takin in 1954 when I wus in strangeways on me 'olidays....anyol'ways thats anuvva story innit....ha ha ha...all thsi 'igh tec mumbo jumbo's daaan to blair innnit....wotchin everione 'e is ....so's 'is spiv accaaantant brown......ha ha ha...wunt get nunnavis'ans on me dosh tho....cos i aint got nun ave i.......ha ha ha


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anything that is deemed as critical of God Deaner will be deleted.................? stand back and think of two years ago?......names like Louise, Skidmark,Bazzer, etc people who were critical but constructive with their comments no longer post? They even changed to this crappy site when the previous one was much superior, trying to loose certain individuals, they just wanted a site full of Sicko-phants, still none of yous lot will ever read this! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

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ha ha ha....'ere...fatboy...yous all wunt understan' nufin' will yous cos yous only 16 intya....ha ha ha.....yous all understan' alrite duntya.....jus' dunt like the ol' uncle cos i's made yous all change the foto of mathew kelly....ha ha ha....yous all understood that'n alrite fatso dintya.....as fur yous ted...yous all orta know betta mate....yous gotta be kind to ol' uncles on forums...yous all nevva knows ooo they are does ya...ha ha ha....yous'll all miss the ol' uncle when e's gorn...win a game an' then i's'll go orf an' 'elp sumwun else ooos in truble....ha ha ha....

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thats the problem with forums, a certain gang of people take them over and get rid of everyone else by constantly putting their comments down or being blatantly rude to them. Look at 'uncle urchin' you will probably get rid of him if you keep slagging him off but if you read into what he says, its funny and relevant, dont you think that someone already knows who he is and wants rid of him for that reason, why is he on here anyway? Its quite obvious that he's a writer or something. Why was the lookalike post deleted straight away? someone upset then? Why was the stone post deleted? Why will this one probably get deleted. What are we hiding from then? Heads in the sand, live in the past, moan, but never do anything, mid table mediocrity, everyone else but us gets on with it, we just complain.

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I deleted both the posts. I failed to see the relevance of the Lookalikes post to Slough Town FC and it was just a blatant dig at 'superslough'. Where's the fun in that?


The other post I deleted because of what I'd put in my original posting which started the thread. Nothing in there was contradictory to Deaner, just a thread of insults to Browne which I will happily start up again if required?


I fail to see how this is restricting the masses from posting or even viewing the forum? Want insults against Browne? Look through most of the threads on here, there's usually at least one per thread. Every time we remove a post it's the same old stuff. Someone stores these postings and does a cut and paste or something?

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anything that is deemed as critical of God Deaner will be deleted.................? stand back and think of two years ago?......names like Louise, Skidmark,Bazzer, etc people who were critical but constructive with their comments no longer post?

How often exactly do you read this forum? We've let everything go on here and stay on with the very odd exception. The posts that have stayed have been pro Deaner, pro Browne, anti Deaner anti Browne and some real nonsense coming from 'outsiders' which have all stayed. Funny how you've missed all these and pick on the one.

I've asked you before to come out from hiding and email me at gary@sloughtownfc.net so we can discuss this, yet I hear nothing and I suppose the same again? Keep criticising the site, it'll only make it better.

Do any of the above no longer posting still go? I only knew Louise from that bunch and know that she certainly doesnt. I think Nelso finally persuaded her to go and watch Dagenham on a regular basis and I can't blame her. Successful club and well run, fair play.

They even changed to this crappy site when the previous one was much superior, trying to loose certain individuals, they just wanted a site full of Sicko-phants, still none of yous lot will ever read this! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

Set up your own forum and website then to air your views and get off this 'crappy site'. Let's see how good yours is in comparison first shall we? Oops, sorry, forgot. You don't have one.....

There are plenty of providers out there which do free forum hosting and websites. Take your pick and come back when you've built it?

I'll await your email.
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anything that is deemed as critical of God Deaner will be deleted.................?


No I dont think so, if anything the forum has opened up to more than the sicko-phants recently and STFC Admin Without a Clue has a good case. After all he/she themself raised the un-mentionable name Paul Hardyman in a post just 2 days ago?

You know, don't mention the war and all that.... but Rebel Without A Clue had guts to do just that.

In past some posts probably shouldn't of been deleted by I think admin gets it about right - from DEFINATLEY NOT A SICKO-PHANT, I want Deaner and Browne out.

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Just to re-iterate my view, I also want Browne & Deaner out (in that order).


I have had more than enough of Browne, but feel that Deaner can yet pull good with someone intelligent enough to keep to a tighter budget and also to keep Deaner's feet on the ground.


We're not going anywhere until the pair of them are gone.

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...'ere i's all upset an' all cos theys all sais i's is illiterate.....wheres me 'uman rites then......ha ha ha....yous lot is all to uptite...its all funny an' if'n yous werent to wound up with complain'in' yous'll all see the funni side of it....e'e did look like mathew kelly.......thats why 'e changed it........''it was offensive to superslough''....ha ha ha...'e'll cope wunneee.....dunt it matta when 'es callin everione t***s then......ha ha ha....that aint offensiv' is it....an' dunt tells me to clear orf to me own forum cos yus all cums on ourn an' evvryone elses duntya...ha ha ha....chill out fatboys...its sposed to be fun...leave the posts alone mister admin.....if you tek aaat all the 'offensive' ones there'll benun left will there....ha ha ha.....wot a good larf...yous aint arf easy to wind up yous lot.....'ere cum an' wotch the ol' urchins draw tummurra night...that'll mek yous all feel betta....ha ha ha...

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the anon posts weren't mine mate...not my style...I just tagged onto it...agree with them though...we had a mighty 'lookalike' going at one time....the players and the officials got a right going over but it all takes the pressure off...dare I suggest that your forum...albeit very active and lively...is a little to serious..................anyol'ways....I'm just a guest......ha ha ha....sees yous all tumorra....gotta go naaa....gotta date wiv an' urchinette innni.......ha ha ha....naughty ol' uncle urchin....

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