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Blame the team

Paul Stephens

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If the Observer is correct then Steve Browne blames the team for our dismal performance last week.


Question who picked the team


Question whe brought most of the player in the team to the club.


Question How can you start DJ ahead of Sammy one week and release him the next


Question how can you sign Nicky to a long term deal one day and not play him in the next match


Question how can you play McNally in one match and relaes him the next.


Question Do we know what we are doing mr Browne?

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he just simply doesnt have a clue he brings in deji who does nothing and then he gets rid of alvin so now where does this leave us if one of our strikers gets injured we have no one deaners injured and as far as i know we dont have another striker waiting in the wings the team is good but now we risk everything by having no cover up front <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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An interesting article in this weeks Observer, in which Browne is stated as saying he is blameless!!!!! He blames the team for the results, and says of Sammy Winston "He cannot be good for 2 games then bad for 4" What is he on about? Sammy probably hasn't had 4 bad games all season. We have perhaps the best team in the league, but when that is combined with definitely the worst manager in the league, the result is mid table obscurity.




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I couldn't belive what Browne said too , agree that the team had to take some blame for Tuesday , but to have a pop a Sammy ???? Like the Observer stated today , Sammy and Tony have 34 between them . Hardly crap is it ??

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while not defending Browne (How could I) Sammy does need to be more consistent, to stop whinging, stop using his elbows when he cant get past a defender, to learn to dive more realistically, and to stop being booked. Tony needs to use his pace more, to look before crossing, and to improve his body shape when hitting crossed balls. But this coaching should take place on the training field, not in the press. Both are good players, who can be better. Bothe work hard, though much of what Tony does is off the ball and isnt noticed.

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Both are fantastic players for this level, but both have very noticeable weaknesses which in Sammy are easier to spot as Paul has noted above.


In defence of the club's decision to release Dodji Davies, I heard that we would have had to pay a fee after ten appearances, and his ninth appearance was against Great Wakering - so in many terms it was a wise move, but why did it take nine games to figure out he wasn't any good? He had more than enough chances within that spell and failed to live anywhere close to expectation.


I also think that the players do get away with a lot without getting any stick. They seem to always be applauded off the park regardless of performance, and I don't always agree with this. Indeed, it doesn't help being led by an incompetent muppet, but they are good enough and experienced enough to be better than what they've shown this year.

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If Browne's management 'technique' is to give continual negative encouragement, it's no wonder that the players under-perform, however (potentially) good they may be.


If you keep being told you can't do something (like 'play football') then sooner or later you will end up believing it.


Presumably Browne has never received any sort of man-management training? (It obviously doesn't come naturally to him)

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