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TDC press release


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Margate Football Club have been given 14 days to submit the robust business plan and project plan which is needed for the redevelopment of Hartsdown Park.



The decision was taken by Cabinet Members last night (Thursday 13 January), after they were told by officers that the documents already submitted to the Council in support of the project did not contain enough evidence to prove that the scheme could be delivered and was insufficient to allow due diligence checks to be carried out.


In an offer first made verbally on Wednesday (12 January) and then confirmed in writing to the Council yesterday, Margate Football Club’s development partner has agreed to pay the Council’s costs of an independent valuation and legal fees to assess the current business plan and project plan and report on its viability.


During the next 14 days, the Council and the Club will be working on an outline of what a possible future legal agreement may look like.


Leader of the Council, Cllr. Sandy Ezekiel, said: “The Council’s position has not changed in this. We want to see football being played in Margate again, but we need to have a scheme that we know is financially viable and can be delivered. We cannot get into a situation where the development does not happen and local taxpayers are left to pick up the bill. I am sure that local people would back us on that. The next 14 days are now crucial for the Club. Unless they deliver a robust business and project plan, which stands up to independent scrutiny, we cannot progress with this any further.”


Once the 14 days expire, the Council will then have another 14 days to assess the information, before they make a final decision on the project.



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Positive that an outline legal agreement is being progressed, though obviously at no financial cost to council .


However, time has a cost, so council must be reasonably hopeful of a positive outcome,or ratepayers could accuse the council of wasting time resources.


I know what i mean anyway !!

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1: We need to have a scheme that is financially viable and can be delivered.

The company has a turnover of £350 million.

2:We cannot get into a situation where the development does'nt happen.

Who's the person not letting it happen?

3:I am sure the local people would back us on that.

I think last night says they would'nt.

4:We want to see football played in Margate again.

We've heard that so many times before and I can't even bring myself to dignify his rhetoric bullsh*t with an answer.

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Turnover does not count for much i'm afraid.Protitability and over a sustained period and current funds available does.Hopefully that is there aswell.

I'm sure it will be as TDC will have done some checks on CNC and associated parties already amd would not even be in discussions if they were 'not close'

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Point taken mm. Applaud you for seeing the positive side of it. I'm afraid I only saw the negativity and now I'm not sure what I think-I think the whole situation lately has sent me a bit round the twist. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

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Will someone please tell me where it will be that the taxpayer will fit any bill should we fail. I dont see where. Perhaps then, the club should give them a small sum up front to rectify the situation should this occur. Or an assurance that things will be replaced the exact way they were found. I.E the ground. What else would they/he be talking of?

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If after all this time of TDC turning down planning what will change in 14 days? It sounds to me like the council have long since made there decision. What are your feelings cookie?

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"We cannot get into a situation where the development does not happen and local taxpayers are left to pick up the bill. I am sure that local people would back us on that."


OK Sandy on that theme how do you justify the Turner Art Centre.

THANET ratepayers pick up £3 million to build it

MAIDSTONE ratepayers pick up £3 million as well and we don't even live in the area!!!


Your Planning Committee have been stitched up by KCC over the plans where Margate give over too much land for the project FOR FREE and KCC sell on the extra at a profit to County Hall NOT TDC.


Your deputy Cllr Bayford makes an ass of himself on local radio over the the night flights at Manston so DON'T come up with the same BULLSHIT that you want football back at Hartsdown.



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Up until wenesdays decision I would have agreed with you. Suppose I am still a little sceptical of them. But things do seem to have altered i.m.o. in that this week they could have taken us out TWICE. The fact that they didnt when they had ample oppportunity has raised my spirits somewhat.

The final decision will have to come out this time I think. I have always advocated for a third party to intervene and now it has. The club put this next step to the council and not vica-versa so that shows the confidence in the club. But is this a grasping at straws move by the club. Could well be. Knowing that the club were that close from being finished perhaps they felt the extra expense this time would be worth the risk. You never know these new third party valuations may, if conducted and reported back honestly, actually find that they are correct from the clubs point of view.We all have our opinions and I am sure they too will view the paperwork differently from others. Different interpretations are always there. On the other hand the council, who have a huge amount to lose here if its found that the club and not the council were correct in their sums, are also confident to take this road and they too are taking a big risk. They really would be seen to be incompetent, especially after 3 years at it. Whichever way this falls I am almost sure that the decision by the new valuers will be the final one whichever way it goes.

Just one thing that puzzles me is that the outcome will be a yes its viable or no its not viable in which case the outcome will be known immediately. So why do the council want or need the extra 14 days. Maybe just maybe the council fear they are wrong and that the club will be proved right.In which case the council will need this time to lesson the damage caused to them and how to minimise the damage that would come out of it.

I really do believe we are correct but its an opinion of a third party that will decide and that can go any way.The odds are 50-50 I think.

Heads or tails, black or white. Even stephens.


We have to continue to believe in the club,its submissions,its tactics this week,its resolve and their word We haveto just keep hoping and praying thatiy comes out on our side for once.As far as I can see the club dont have to produce anything and thecouncil dont either.Its all now down to someone else completelt to decide our fate or fortune. Just one more thing. If we are wrong in our assessments and the council are proved right who will be the people to have killed off the club.It wontbe the council it wil bedown to this new third party. Shifting the blame away from the council altogether/ This could go either way.Two parties both taking a FINAL risk. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/shrug.gif" alt="" />

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I am still building a case against the Council and WILL use it to show(not just with the football club) that there is something very serious going on.

After 3 years I am totally pissed off by the goings on.

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