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If the coach is full me an' me 'oppo's 'as got a 40 seata 1954 austin charabang that we cun alls go up orn. ha ha ha..wees all cant wait to sees yous fatboys shaft the wandering camels...ha ha ha...'ere wotch aaat fatboys...theys'll all 'ave 20 thaaasand camels cheerin' em orn...ha ha ha...'ere...mind yous...theys'll all disappear quicker than tony blairs popularity ratin's whens yous all go in the bar aftawoods.....ha ha ha...anyol'ows...get stuck up 'em an' yous'll all win wuntyas...ha ha ha

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oh leave it out, as much as I never thought I'd say it Uncle Urchin is part of our scenery now on the Slough forum and it would be a poorer place without him. Besides which no other beggar seems to post here anymore. You're welcome in my book.

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'ere...fanks for that fatso...I's wus reely 'urt when I read that last 'un...ha ha ha.....wees all gypos aint wees so's we dunt 'ave mirrors on acaaaant o' me missus is a fortoon tella on claptan peer...ha ha ha...wees all supersticoius sees...ha ha...beware o' the gypsys mate....yous all neva knows does yus...wees all mite turn up on yous doorstep an' put curses on yous...ha ha ha ha....'ere...any'ol'ways...me missus wus finkin' that wees all might comes up there an' wothch yous lot tonite dintshe...wees all got a few china's 'ere from the albanian flea circus an' theys all lookin' for somewhere to park up for the winta...ha ha ha....yous 'as all got a big car park inntya....ha ha ha..anyol'way...i's put the mokas on it cos yous all me mates inntya...ha ha ha...sent 'em up to the camels insteasd...ha ha hathat'll teach 'em....mind yous...probably wunt notice will theys.....theys all used to gypos up there...ha ha ha.....'ere...i's mite even defect if wees all can 'ave the 'ot bovril evri'nite...ha ha ha....stick it up rover the dog tonite fatboys theys all stuck up tossas an' then do the humpers an'all....ha ha ha...'ere...wees all goin' to the shysta's of 'arlow tumorra aint we...ha ha ha...takin lots of shillin's an all for the leckie inntwe...dunt trust those pikies up there....ha ha ha....'ere...if wees all get dun in there'll be plenty o' stuff on 'ere tumorra i's'll tells ya...ha ha ha...up 'em all....wees all luvs it duntwee....'ere...as me gaffa Lord Urchin bin on 'ere yet....ee's gunna be...wotch aaat for 'im fatboys...ee's a rite ol' perv...ha ha ha .....

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we pay them rent, and did up their ground to make it A grade.


when i have a drink i like to be in nicer surroundings than that bar. its nothing to do with edgware, i quite like them.


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