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Memo to the League Chairman

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I was caught out the same way earlier in the season and that was just trying to come off the A13 so I appreciate your concern and have noted it accordingly ! But.... Interesting scenario if Canning Town FC decided to join the League though ?

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Is that a veiled hint then, plus rumours of Witham's intentions are reaching ears in these parts too. And FC Risden and White Notley? Could have a bumper crop next August.

Or maybe the Kent merger talks are still on going? In any info on the latter?

Have the dates been set for the League Cup quater-final yet R? Presumably we go to the Dalmation on Dec 9, so when is the second leg?

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Hi, no, it was merely a hypothetical point ( but at least it's brought discussion ! ) bearing in mind that they ground share - no one has applied to the ESl as I write although two junior clubs have and we have had to pass them on to the F A which is the correct procedure. Now, before anyone picks me up on what I said, not even Woodford Town have applied to us so all the talk on clubs coming is pure media speculation at present.


The F A announced on Thursday at a main meeting that there would be no further discussions between Kent and Essex and we now await the F A calling us to Soho Square along with the Eastern Counties League to discuss matters relating to the consitution of these two leagues.


In the meantime, the F A have also put on the back burner , the discussions on a Division One at Step 6 which is a great shame as I have been keen to get this moving as soon as possible. This means, therefore that anyone coming into the ESL will have to have a Grade F for membership and that means Floodlights and outside fencing whereas Div 1 would have been Grade G - not that there is much between them now.


The weather has become a headache for the League Cup but we are still hopeful of the first legs going ahead on 9th though Burnham will be in the Vase on that date and Southend Manor, who play Brentwood Town are still trying to get through.

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Mr Errington,


I thought I would register as there seems to have been a communication problem regarding Woodford Town. I am one of the people that is working towards getting WTFC back to Senior Football. We did send an application to your secretary via email and a letter direct. Obviously neither has got through to yourself so I have just posted another letter through detailing our intentions and hope that you would accept us back into the ESL should we meet criteria. I would PM you but that facility seems to have been disabled by yourself so please do not hesitate to email me via woodfordtownfc@aol.com and I will send you the letter on.



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WoodfordTown said:
Mr Errington,

I thought I would register as there seems to have been a communication problem regarding Woodford Town. I am one of the people that is working towards getting WTFC back to Senior Football. We did send an application to your secretary via email and a letter direct. Obviously neither has got through to yourself so I have just posted another letter through detailing our intentions and hope that you would accept us back into the ESL should we meet criteria. I would PM you but that facility seems to have been disabled by yourself so please do not hesitate to email me via woodfordtownfc@aol.com and I will send you the letter on.


You're more than welcome in my book..unless of course you plan to groundshare at the Dalamation..gotta go twice there this season which is enough.. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bigshock.gif" alt="" />
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This thread has certainly created an interest, therefore I will publicly answer the query should anyone else take an interest in this forum who is considering joining this happy band of brothers called the ESl. I quote from the Regulations of the National League System :-


No 6 In normal circumstances a club can enter the National League System only at Step 7, However, in exceptional circumstances a league may seek approval from the Leagues Committee to elect a club not currently in membership of a league with the NLS provided that there is (a) a vacancy within its constitution (B) the club meets the entry criteria and © promotion and relegation issues have been satisfied. Last year we found ourselves in this position losing three clubs and Beaumont Athletic were in the right place at the right time, we can only encourage sides in a similar position to make application to the F A Leagues Committee with a copy to us but of course, cannot promise anything though our constitution allows us up to 22 clubs in our Premier Division.

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Thanks for replying.


We will of course be following through with our application and will hope that we reach criteria and tick all boxes in terms of Essex Senior League entry for next season and hopefully we can be voted in, but as you say there are no certanties in football so we are just making sure that we are in the correct position on and off the field for 2007/2008 and hope we succeed. If you would like me to send you through our application in email please do not hesitate to contact me with the email address I listed and I will happily send it on if you are interested.

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So how did Beaumont Athletic meet the promotion criteria when they finished halfway down the second division (whatever it's called) of the Essex Business Houses League? Do the rules not include a requirement to finish reasonably high in a feeder league?


By the way I would like to wish Woodford Town well in their efforts to rejoin the league, particularly if they play at a ground I've never visited (or not another athletics stadium).

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