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Time for realism,Time for changes


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Firstly.lets strangle at birth the notion that Mick Marsden should go...total nonsense..the number of supporters who think that could be counted on half a hand.Mick has done a terrific job and continues to do so.3rd in the league following promotion..sounds like a good Manager to me.

It has been evident all season that the defence has been outstanding (how Marsden was missed on Saturday)..but there

appears to be a lack of creativity in the final third.The attack at present is simply not performing.

Steve Jones has had a terrific season but is looking a bit jaded over the past couple of games (maybe needs a rest ?).

Craig Cripps has looked really good but I would like to see him played wide,as an experiment.Danny Bestock too has been a bit under par since his return.

I think Mick Marsden should be bold..perhaps the Brentwood

game gives the chance to experiment.

Its a pity we did not get the chance to see Joe Natay in the first team (well we saw 2 minutes of him !) as the side is

crying out for alternatives.Against Aveley we constantly adopted a high ball game and its asking alot of Steve Jones to constantly win these heading duels against a well disciplined defence like Aveley.

Finally..credit to Wingate and Finchley in the recent game.They are without a doubt the fairest and most sporting

team we have played this year.

Finally,number 2...was it the Aveley Chairman or just a supporter who was so aggresive and threatening towards our


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well spotted ....but don't go there...whatever went on was six of one and blah blah blah...it was handbags and entirely the fault of several youngsters in our stand....one could say that the Aveley Officials were asking for trouble going behind the dug out...it was cordoned off due to the building works and someone broke the security tape....but then again...perhaps they should be able to do so without fear of abuse....one could also suggest that they should know better than to react to fans baiting them.....anyway....rest assured that serious thought is now going into who can and can't go where over on the riverside....but lets not overeact....we'll sort it out...no one came to any harm...football matches are emotive...if they weren't...we wouldn't watch them would we....

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How times have changed. 12 months ago such a fixture would have been watched by about 50 old gits from Urchins and not an Aveley supporter in sight. Now every one wants to kill each other.



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you've said it yourself...12 months ago 50 old people and now 420 with a great atmosphere to boot....do you remember what that used to be like at Brooklands...?...dunt spose you do.....kill each other...you are having a larf intya mate.....killing you with jealousy more like...ha ha ha.....

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the old uncle was never a boro supporter my friend...more like a cantona poem I'd say.....!!!!!.......they must have been great days at the boro......(i'm being serious as well)....pity they've gone now...still...if you spent less time slagging us off and more time trying to get things back together again....well you never know do you...hard work is the friend.....apathy the enemy....

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Excuse me, but I am getting a little tired of the constant "slanging off" accusation. If you look throught the various threads apart from Official, Un Official, and Unc, everytime a Boro person open their mouth on this site they are met with a volley of abuse, whatever their post might relate to.


Many of your so called supporters behave very imaturley on this site, not just with us but internally as well.

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you are right...to a degree...but....have you ever thought of coming on here and saying something positive about what we are trying to do...you know yourself how hard it is to make progress...if you do that you may find that most of the replies are 'friendly'...you have to meet us half way....we aint got a problem with you guysand we like a wind up... but....well...think about some of the posts....and yes..there are a few new fans who get carried away but thats just a learning curve...no harm is meant i'm sure....

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copy that unc, there is no problem,, but if you do read the posts carefully, (boroman and 92 excepted), they do tend to have an element of 'green eyes' about them, 'specially this new one '69', or is it us being a bit sensitive,??

lets try harder, all of us, we are next door neigbours after all.

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