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Dullbridge sports have been reported to the F.A. today for having a non human manager!


coachie or to use his real name bobo is in-fact none other than a shaved chimp!


Dullbridge are at great risk of losing their senior status for contravening F.A. law 26 b section c. Which states that no livestock should be allowed in a dug out, or to be allowed to foul the touchline, bobo unfortunately has been seen to break this law many times this season. ( Particularly the fouling the touch line bit! )


The F.A. first became suspicious, after opposing teams complained of loud screams and howling coming from the dullbridge dug out, which had been formed into a kind of nest made from branches and bracken. Once an opposing physio rushed to the dugout fearing an injury only to find bobo naked laying on his back peeling a banana with his feet.


Dullbridge have tried to distance themselves from this very complicated affair by denying any knowledge of their manager being a shaved monkey. A spokesman for the club was quoted saying " Though he was a sh!te manager we always thought he was on the level. I considered him a mate little knowing in-fact he was a primate!"


Bobo has now been given to a carnival for the summer season, and then will be sold on to a laboratory to be used in very painful and pointless experiments.


Reuters affig

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I think you haven't got the message clear yet....give up or the Almighty Lord will give you your retribution.

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"Edited by Coach Et 64" grin

reasons for editing: Coup is a mistery

Bitch when those supermarkets open on sundays??? evil

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Nice to see that the bonhomie and good nature continues this morning.
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I see your subtle tactical prowess came to the fore again in the Juve v Bologna game last night.


"We're getting beat at home. Don't fanny about lad. Get the corner into the six yard box and we might get a lucky dfelection."


Another moment to remember for Claudio Ranieri.

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Sorry Groyne but Ranieri is not the right coach for Juventus and not my type.I'm more like Carletto Mazzone and Mourinho mixed together!!!English wise i love Bobby Robson, Terry Venables and Martin O'Neil.

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I don't know how you can say that when Steve Tilson is just down the road. I also admire Steve McLaren for services to hiding a balding head with dignity. And Harry Redknapp for the way he plays by the rules and stays out of the media limelight.
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Steve has done well for Southend and I would like to see him at a bigger club.That will be the real test.Redknapp which i have personally met several times back in 1996 is one of the biggest crooks ever(managerial wise) but a good chap as well.Mc Laren is better drawing a veil over....

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Originally Posted By: coach et 64
Steve has done well for Southend and I would like to see him at a bigger club.That will be the real test.Redknapp which i have personally met several times back in 1996 is one of the biggest crooks ever(managerial wise) but a good chap as well.Mc Laren is better drawing a veil over....

Here we go again, fecking big time charlie.

What a richard you are!
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Unfortunately Rufus is one of the many people that I had the joy of kicking their backsides and he can't get over it.He's hiding behind this username but deep inside we all know who is...a pathetic coward that hasn't got the [****!!****] to reveal his true identity..poor lad ouch it still hurts! evilRufus Roughcut we love you,we really do!!


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