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Happy Indepence Day Ghana !

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with their fanatical hatred of homosexuals

Basil-Don - Some people would argue that's not necessarily a bad thing

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Mr Basil, i sense you are showing some sarcasm or are you an embittered homesexual ?

Not that it is my problem. I say each to their own, if it doesn't interfere with me & my family's life i say no problem.

I don't know what you mean by Witchcraft. I think you may have watched Mr James Bond in Live & Let Die too many times.

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Mr Eze will probably call me a traitor but i would like to say Happy Indepence Day to my Ghanaian friends & colleagues from the Hackney Council Parking Enforcement team Mr Amoah & Mr Boateng.

Indeed Happy Tuesday to all fellow Africans !

Greetings Mr Dingdong my friendz from zi traffik Varden department who valk zi mean streetz of Kennsington andz Chelsea zends zer vishes 'Happy Independence day for Ghana' My Gahanian frriend andz fellow trafficz Varden mr Freddy EmanuelSemen zends special vishez to you. Notz to mentionz my Great grand Farter Adolf. Hez been livingz in Ghana sinze 1945. I havez alvays told him of zi problemz in Europez since he retire fromm Politicz and have alvayz asked him to return to sortz out zi mess. He havez alwayz said no. GREAT NEWZ he saidz he is cominziback and in his own wordz 'ziz time, no more mr niceguy'

Edited by Pink Panther
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Aaaah Mr Hookey, i have known of this news story from radio & TV. It is tragic what happened to the young boy & the murderers/torturers should face a lengthy jail term. These people are from DR of Congo, which of all African nations is not as civil or developed as countries such Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Senegal etc.

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I have been known to make a complete piggy of myself with the bushmeat and I did not know that this was frowned on.

Dumkoff!!!! Do you notz know zis vebsite is very dangerous for us! Zi likez of mr roadsvill stopz at nothingz to rid zi illiteret foriegner form loweringz zi tone of zis vebsite. To some ve degenerate zi english vay of life. it iz a good jobbie the premiership iz only full of zi pure english y zat all fans vorship them.

Edited by Pink Panther
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Aaaah Mr Hookey, i have known of this news story from radio & TV. It is tragic what happened to the young boy & the murderers/torturers should face a lengthy jail term. These people are from DR of Congo, which of all African nations is not as civil or developed as countries such Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Senegal etc.


LOL, Ghana developed? Hardly.


I have a friend who is currently out there doing volunteer work, below is her latest blog, quite funny but poignant.


Update from Jenny (4th March)


Hi All,


Finished the ball court Friday before last. They've named us Cowboy Builders as it wasn't

perfect when we left, someone had actually painted the word 'sh*t' on the corner of it.

Some of the girls were offended, but I think the kids had a point. They insisted that

we paint the lines in red, but we couldn't find any red paint so settled for pink. They

didn't like that much either.


Last weekend we went to Cape Coast and stayed in a Tree House in the middle of a

forest on Friday night. We went on a midnight walk around the forest where we were

told we'd see multiple animals. An hour in and we hadn't seen anything but biting ants

that got everywhere. In the morning after a really crap night laying awake in the dark

fending off mosquito, we went on a Canopy walk that was 50ft above the forest. Ben

(I'm naming people like you know them, they're all volunteers) is afraid of heights so

he ran round the whole thing, he weighs around 16 stone so the rest of us were left

clutching the sides trying not to fall off whilst he made is to safety.

On Saturday we went to a beach resort, there are hundreds of people walking the

streets trying to sell things to you when you are in a traffic jam, on the way to Cape

Coast a guy was selling scales, we all got out and weighed ourselves and ending up

paying 50 cedi for a set of scales that I'm hoping are well off on the reading chart.

Imagine, only I could put on weight in a 3rd world country.


We spent the rest of the weekend drinking rank cheap gin, relaxing and inevitably

getting drunk and really really sunburnt. We returned home on Sunday to another

power cut. These last around 13 hours and happen most days.


I've been working at a village called Osunbenso. We set out on Monday night when it

had cooled down as we were walking 4 bags of cement with us on the 2 hour journey.

3 of us went, Matt who has paid for the materials to build the school and Alex,

another volunteer who started at the same time as me. We arrived around 10.30pm

and assumed there was another power cut as there were no lights. We were shown our

hut which was our room for the next 5 nights and went straight to bed. When we woke

up we saw where we had been sleeping, what we had been sleeping on, and found that

there wasn't a power cut, but the village has no gas, electric, power of communication

methods to anywhere else other than their village.


Over the next few days we really got into how they lived. At 6pm the place was in

complete darkness through to around 5am when the sun came up, during this time

people would sit outside there huts talking and sharing food that they had made during

the day. There are 40 people who live in this village, 6 adults and the rest children.

There is no running water, just a lake that is very dirty and has nearly dried up due to

the dry season coming to an end. The villagers drink and clean in this water, and use it

for all of their cooking. When the children asked us for water we were told not to give

it to them as they needed to stay immune to the bacteria in the water they have access

to. There is no food other than what they grow and make themselves, there is no

school, no doctor, no light, no entertainment, just the villagers and the volunteers that

go there to help out. If someone gets sick here there is no intervention, they just have

to wait and see what happens. If there is a death, they are buried around the village in

a shallow hand dug grave. Walking around, you can see around 15 fairly new graves.

From 7am to 12 we worked on building the school and from 12 to 3 we played with

the children and gave them donations of books and stationary that we took along with

us. On Wednesday we broke out a bag of sweets for the kids but found that it was the

parents who came running, one knocking Alex off her feet into a brick wall giving her

a nice chunk out of her nose. The rest of the day was spent trying to get clean in the

lake, feeling bad that we were washing off the days cement with their drinking water,

and helping the locals make abiteshi, a 100% proof alcohol that they get from the

trees here. I can only speak for myself, but I'm guessing that's what makes everyone

so happy here. After a few glasses I didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

After a few more I was being sick in a bush somewhere. They've given me some to

bring back to the office which is nice of them.


We left on Saturday morning and are now in Basua which is on the South Coast and is

very very hot. We're staying here until Tuesday and will then be going back to the

Village for our final week.

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the fact is Hookey in the weathlier parts of the continent they are equally backward,for example the case of the chief medical officer of South Africa believing that the best way to combat AIDS is to eat garlic.


You saying it isn't?

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the fact is Hookey in the weathlier parts of the continent they are equally backward,for example the case of the chief medical officer of South Africa believing that the best way to combat AIDS is to eat garlic.


Mr BasilDon it is easy to make fun of people from poorer countries than our own but AIDS pharmaceutical treatments are too expensive for the millions of poor africans who have no hope of paying for the drugs. I am sure that you are a person of quality who likes to be accurate so maybe when you understand that the South African Health Minister promotes the use of garlic - apparently many scientific studies here in our wiser and less ignorant developed nations has shown it to be of efficacy against the common infections of AIDS sufferers like the herpes pneumonia and other bacteria infections - it is because garlic is affordable and at least can slow down the outcomes of infections with a immune system damaged by the AIDS


It is a disgrace and brings shame and scorn on african peoples that they live in poverty and are too ignorant to live like us in Britain where we have embraced the modern world and all of it's wonderful miracles such as electricity and clean water. Why oh why do they not wake up and smell the roses. It reminds me of Mr Olafobi when he first comes to Britain, he spends days and days trying to get into his bed before the light goes out when he switches it off by the door. What an ignorant fellow he is when the man comes to fit his new cooker he asks Mr Olafobi if he is AC or DC and Mr Olafobi punches him on the nose!

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Ok Mr Hooky, i can tell by your elongated response, that you are very very aware of certain african cultures. Ghana although not developed to other nations, the people of Ghana are a civilised race. I do not buy into that petty tribal rivalry. I am their friend, they are my friends. Also the black stars are very very good team. I like Essien, Pantsil, Gyan & Muntari.

Mr Eze, you make fun of me again & make me sound like a homphobic bigot. I am not like that, i just think the lord will punish men who put their manhoods inside each other.

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Mr Olafobi I do not think you are funny. I have always said that when you give men like you and Mr Panther a little bit of power you make them into monsters. Tell all of us if it is true that the local council have had complaints about you taking a board to work with you with No Parking on it and waiting for people to park there cars legally and then placing you board next to their cars and taking a photograph and issueing them with a ticket? Is it also not true that instead of taking discilpliniry action the council gave you a promotion for showing initiative? The lord will punish all evil doers but it is not too late to change your ways and renounce your tricks.

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as if we havent got enough problems in the UK with the CoE and the padeophille ring more commonly known as the Roman Catholic Church we are perfectly happy to import Africans stuck in the middle ages and Woman hating Muslims,then of course we have the Sikhs/Hindus who seem to take great delight in murdering their own daughters and wifes.

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as if we havent got enough problems in the UK with the CoE and the padeophille ring more commonly known as the Roman Catholic Church we are perfectly happy to import Africans stuck in the middle ages and Woman hating Muslims,then of course we have the Sikhs/Hindus who seem to take great delight in murdering their own daughters and wifes.

Oh vot a Bigot vou are Basilbrush. I betz you vish for zi good old dayz ven it voz only no blackz, no dogz and no Irish?

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