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Bulls chairman wants to build on momentum

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Speaking to the club’s official website, Hereford FC Chairman, Jon Hale, has talked about the need for the club to build on the current momentum both on and off the field, and ensure it continues to move forward positively.

During a detailed video interview which will be appearing on the official website later this week, Hale discussed a number of topics, but explained that beginning discussions with Herefordshire Council about the length of the current Edgar Street lease is one of the club’s first priorities for the new year.

‘We are aiming to sit down with council officials as early in 2016 as is possible as we really want to talk about Edgar Street’s future.

‘Although we are very grateful that the council granted us a five-year lease back in March, we feel that Hereford FC has now shown that there is a real thirst for football at Edgar Street and that this club can play a vital role in the local community.

‘We understand why the council were only willing to consider a short lease initially, but we have now reached a point where we’d like to think about further improvements to the ground to smarten it up and improve the matchday experience even more.

‘However, such a short lease means further investment in the ground’s infrastructure is difficult in the short-term with no guarantee of a lease extension, while we also have an issue in that we are ineligible for many of the grants we would like to consider applying for. Therefore, it goes without saying that the sooner we can sit down with the council officials the better.

‘An average attendance of more than 2500 this season is quite incredible and the feedback we have from local businesses about how much busier they are on a matchday is also very telling.

‘We feel this is a real demonstration of what an asset a well run football club at Edgar Street can be to the city of Hereford – and the wider county – and supporters can rest assured that we will be making this point to the council as we begin to make longer term plans for Hereford FC to ensure the club’s future really is sustainable.

‘We have momentum on and off the field right now that we must look to build upon – to just rest on our laurels would be a huge mistake.’

Source: www.herefordfc.co.uk

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