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Live Updates - Uxbridge vs Slough Town


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THis is getting really silly now, please resign Mr Sweetman and Mr Roberts and give us a chance to escape relegation.Any fool knows that discussing new players in the local paper is bound to upset those here at the moment.

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There have been a number of postings on this forum regarding the management of STFC showing various degrees of dissatisfaction and also the need to keep them on until the end of the season or into next season so as not to cause disruption to the playing staff.


Today at the game - which I might add is one of the worst displays I have ever seen by STFC - during the first half everytime I looked to our bench I saw our assistant manager talking to the bench making hand signals and other bodily movements.


When we went 3-0 down our coach then decided to stand up and start coaching ie shouting at the players.


All through the match all I saw was our manager standing with his arms folded saying nothing except for the time he asked the ref how long was left.


Looking at the Uxbridge bench you could see their manager and I assume their coach or assistant manager standing up and shouting at their players for the full 90 minutes the same as we see on all the opposition benches when they play STFC.


I think that sums it up really and it shows why we are tactically a waste of space.


Also I think some of the players should look at themselves and ask the question do they really want to play for STFC because on todays performance and a number games over the past few months I do not think they do. At least not under the present management and coaching set up.


Every week we play the same system which does not work. Every week we ask ourselves as fans where the next goal is coming from. As each game goes by you can see the confidence of the players getting less and less.


So do we change the management and coaching staff now or do we wait until it is to late because the way things are going now it will only be other results that will help us.


It is my understanding that there are certain ex managers out there who may not be in favour with the management of the club.


From my point of view I could not care less if I did not like a manager. All I want is results. Good results bring money through the turnstiles.


Our Chairman seems to think that it is because of the current economic situation that our home gates are down.


I think and I am sure I am not alone in thinking it is the poor displays we watch week in week out are the reason for the home gates dropping off.


As nice and approachable the manager and his staff are I really think it is time for a change.


I also think we need a manager who knows how to talk to the press as some of the things I have been reading makes me wonder if motivation of the players is the biggest problem we are facing at present. Certain statements to the press recently seem to show that the existing management team consider that things are not that bad.


Myself and a number of season ticket holders are not of the same opinion.


Sort it out now - please.

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Originally Posted By: 1664

Today at the game - which I might add is one of the worst displays I have ever seen by STFC - during the first half everytime I looked to our bench I saw our assistant manager talking to the bench making hand signals and other bodily movements.

When we went 3-0 down our coach then decided to stand up and start coaching ie shouting at the players.

All through the match all I saw was our manager standing with his arms folded saying nothing except for the time he asked the ref how long was left.

Looking at the Uxbridge bench you could see their manager and I assume their coach or assistant manager standing up and shouting at their players for the full 90 minutes the same as we see on all the opposition benches when they play STFC.

I think that sums it up really and it shows why we are tactically a waste of space.

Also I think some of the players should look at themselves and ask the question do they really want to play for STFC because on todays performance and a number games over the past few months I do not think they do. At least not under the present management and coaching set up.

The Uxbridge manager may have been a bit of a lary git, but he knows what he wants his players to do. He was not so much shouting at his players, more issueing them with instructions, and praising them when they were followed. For example whem Gumbs came on, he told the keeper what instructions he should give to the defence when we attacked.

In comparison, our management team stood looking at all that happened and did nothing.

Does anyone know exactly what our assistant manager does?
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Guest Anonymous

For me the defining moment was when Luke Evans was replaced, very obviuosly against his will, from then onwards we were in freefall.

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Guest Anonymous

I agree with 1664 no direction from our bench although our coach is the only one i hear giving anthing positive or tactical information but he sits on the bench, from what i understand only 2 can be standing??? so why does our assistant manager stand up then what does he give? information should be coming from the manager but ours stands there with his arms folded quiet as a mouse... also agree that players need to take some responsability as some of them looked as if they didnt want to be there. feel sorry for harper he always gives 100%.

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