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Games off lads !


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I'm fairly certain a lot of people that read and post on this forum have at some point managed, so I'm sure most of you understand what goes into organising a team for a game. ( doubled stress on away games).

Just for the 1or 2 that don't, 16-20 txt messages are sent out ending in ASAP, followed up by 7-8 for the ones that don't (Carnot be bothered) to reply ASAP. 3/4 lads have to leave work early to get there on time, 1lad is expecting his first child any day, but they have all managed to confirm and you have your squad.

So you leave work early ur self get to the meet ( home ground ) collect kit, bottles, balls, first aid bag and the like.

All ready to go and 1/2 are late so 3/4 phone calls later and ur on ur way buzzing for the game.

Arrive at the away ground quick look around, pitch is like a carpet ( even tho it's been drizzling since midday).Get in the dressing room ,music on all the lads are there start to put out the kit.

7pm take another look at the pitch its perfect ! Walking back to the dressing room and the three officials say to me " game off mate " I reply what ? Why ? It's perfect out there,the ball bounces it rolls and there is absolutely no standing water on the pitch at all. One of the three say to me " it's going to rain all night long " I rep,y what has that got to do with anything? I don't understand why this game is being called off ? . Then the man in the middle turns to me and says " THEY HAVE A BIG GAME DOWN HERE ON SATURDAY " . Why make us travel ? There was never going to be a game played on the pitch . So the whole point of this post is :: do you think officials should only get paid full or half fee if the game is played, it's so easy for games to be cancelled at the drop of a hat with no thought about what has gone into getting teams organised. Yes we are a reserve team and I have manage several first team and completely understand the importance of first team ! But games are not being played that clearly could/should. I think if officials only got paid if games were played a lot more games would go ahead.

I would love to have thoughts of the posters,cheers Ace.

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I'm fairly certain a lot of people that read and post on this forum have at some point managed, so I'm sure most of you understand what goes into organising a team for a game. ( doubled stress on away games).

Just for the 1or 2 that don't, 16-20 txt messages are sent out ending in ASAP, followed up by 7-8 for the ones that don't (Carnot be bothered) to reply ASAP. 3/4 lads have to leave work early to get there on time, 1lad is expecting his first child any day, but they have all managed to confirm and you have your squad.

So you leave work early ur self get to the meet ( home ground ) collect kit, bottles, balls, first aid bag and the like.

All ready to go and 1/2 are late so 3/4 phone calls later and ur on ur way buzzing for the game.

Arrive at the away ground quick look around, pitch is like a carpet ( even tho it's been drizzling since midday).Get in the dressing room ,music on all the lads are there start to put out the kit.

7pm take another look at the pitch its perfect ! Walking back to the dressing room and the three officials say to me " game off mate " I reply what ? Why ? It's perfect out there,the ball bounces it rolls and there is absolutely no standing water on the pitch at all. One of the three say to me " it's going to rain all night long " I rep,y what has that got to do with anything? I don't understand why this game is being called off ? . Then the man in the middle turns to me and says " THEY HAVE A BIG GAME DOWN HERE ON SATURDAY " . Why make us travel ? There was never going to be a game played on the pitch . So the whole point of this post is :: do you think officials should only get paid full or half fee if the game is played, it's so easy for games to be cancelled at the drop of a hat with no thought about what has gone into getting teams organised. Yes we are a reserve team and I have manage several first team and completely understand the importance of first team ! But games are not being played that clearly could/should. I think if officials only got paid if games were played a lot more games would go ahead.

I would love to have thoughts of the posters,cheers Ace.


I agree to a point Ace.

I travelled 35 miles (each way) as an assistant earlier this season and the referee called the game off. Why penalise me?

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This is kinda my point, I'm not trying to penalise anyone,but if I turned up to work and it was too cold/wet to do any work I would get nothing. You are responsible for getting ur self to the game, the logistics for me is a nightmare most away games. I gues I'm just saying officials and I'm certainly NOT saying all and clubs should remember the lads and staff give up an awful lot, family time and work to get to games and it shouldn't be so easy to call them off. Maybe if a game is not called off 2 hours before kick off it must be played,just an idea ?

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Ace Face - as you've described it, the officials in this case seem to have been influenced by the fact another game was due on the pitch subsequently. I presume the club involved made the officials aware of this although that does not, in my opinion, justify the decision being made solely on that basis.


This season I've done pitch inspections as early as 0900 hrs and as late as 1230 hrs, and subsequently called games off as those were the times the club had arranged for an inspection. I've also called off a game of my own at 1330 hrs after an earlier inspection had justifiably been 'game on'. On that basis I wouldn't want to be locked into playing a game as that could potentially be farcical and dangerous.


I don't think any referee takes the decision to call off a game lightly, and I'm sure they will be aware that a lot of people (players, club officials, spectators) will be disappointed. As I see it the problem arises when the decision cannot be justified adequately on the basis of the condition of the pitch, weather at the time and later, etc. In most cases, it should be obvious and the decision made a sensible one.


I should add that it's not the officials who determine their respective fees for when a game is called off as that's done by the League the clubs are a member of.

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I'm fairly certain a lot of people that read and post on this forum have at some point managed, so I'm sure most of you understand what goes into organising a team for a game. ( doubled stress on away games).

Just for the 1or 2 that don't, 16-20 txt messages are sent out ending in ASAP, followed up by 7-8 for the ones that don't (Carnot be bothered) to reply ASAP. 3/4 lads have to leave work early to get there on time, 1lad is expecting his first child any day, but they have all managed to confirm and you have your squad.

So you leave work early ur self get to the meet ( home ground ) collect kit, bottles, balls, first aid bag and the like.

All ready to go and 1/2 are late so 3/4 phone calls later and ur on ur way buzzing for the game.

Arrive at the away ground quick look around, pitch is like a carpet ( even tho it's been drizzling since midday).Get in the dressing room ,music on all the lads are there start to put out the kit.

7pm take another look at the pitch its perfect ! Walking back to the dressing room and the three officials say to me " game off mate " I reply what ? Why ? It's perfect out there,the ball bounces it rolls and there is absolutely no standing water on the pitch at all. One of the three say to me " it's going to rain all night long " I rep,y what has that got to do with anything? I don't understand why this game is being called off ? . Then the man in the middle turns to me and says " THEY HAVE A BIG GAME DOWN HERE ON SATURDAY " . Why make us travel ? There was never going to be a game played on the pitch . So the whole point of this post is :: do you think officials should only get paid full or half fee if the game is played, it's so easy for games to be cancelled at the drop of a hat with no thought about what has gone into getting teams organised. Yes we are a reserve team and I have manage several first team and completely understand the importance of first team ! But games are not being played that clearly could/should. I think if officials only got paid if games were played a lot more games would go ahead.

I would love to have thoughts of the posters,cheers Ace.

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I'm fairly certain a lot of people that read and post on this forum have at some point managed, so I'm sure most of you understand what goes into organising a team for a game. ( doubled stress on away games).

Just for the 1or 2 that don't, 16-20 txt messages are sent out ending in ASAP, followed up by 7-8 for the ones that don't (Carnot be bothered) to reply ASAP. 3/4 lads have to leave work early to get there on time, 1lad is expecting his first child any day, but they have all managed to confirm and you have your squad.

So you leave work early ur self get to the meet ( home ground ) collect kit, bottles, balls, first aid bag and the like.

All ready to go and 1/2 are late so 3/4 phone calls later and ur on ur way buzzing for the game.

Arrive at the away ground quick look around, pitch is like a carpet ( even tho it's been drizzling since midday).Get in the dressing room ,music on all the lads are there start to put out the kit.

7pm take another look at the pitch its perfect ! Walking back to the dressing room and the three officials say to me " game off mate " I reply what ? Why ? It's perfect out there,the ball bounces it rolls and there is absolutely no standing water on the pitch at all. One of the three say to me " it's going to rain all night long " I rep,y what has that got to do with anything? I don't understand why this game is being called off ? . Then the man in the middle turns to me and says " THEY HAVE A BIG GAME DOWN HERE ON SATURDAY " . Why make us travel ? There was never going to be a game played on the pitch . So the whole point of this post is :: do you think officials should only get paid full or half fee if the game is played, it's so easy for games to be cancelled at the drop of a hat with no thought about what has gone into getting teams organised. Yes we are a reserve team and I have manage several first team and completely understand the importance of first team ! But games are not being played that clearly could/should. I think if officials only got paid if games were played a lot more games would go ahead.

I would love to have thoughts of the posters,cheers Ace.

That is absolutely the worst thing that can happen. Travel, start getting ready to play on a perfectly playable pitch and then be told it is off. Nothing worse. Procedures need looking at, and whether it is reserves or not, the game needs playing. Forget about forecasts or fixtures Saturday.

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What criteria do you suggest should be considered then in order for a game to be postponed or, conversely, played? And who should make the decision to play or not play?

I think that the original post was critical of the fact that everybody was there (and all of the work that goes on to make that happen) and then the match was called off to protect the pitch for a 'bigger' game.

If the club wants to protect the pitch then they should arrange an inspection a lot earlier. If everyone turns up then the only grounds for calling it off should be if the pitch is dangerous

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So in this case (playing devil's advocate) the club are at fault and the officials take the rap for it?!

Perhaps both are at fault. Obviously neither of us have seen the pitch at first hand


If I was the referee and everyone was there I would make my decision on whether the pitch was suitable for the current match

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I can honestly say the pitch was more than playable, I do have photos to support my case,but do not wish name names as it were ! I think officials should make there decision purely on the the situation and certainly not let home or away teams put them under any pressure either way. I am 99% certain the home team suggested ( for want of a better word ) to the officials that they would be more than happy if the game was not played. In my opinion the officials looked at the rain, it was very cold and thought GAME OFF LADS . As I have said before I am not throwing a blanket over all clubs or officials but this DEFINITELY happens .

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