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I still find it is amazing he is on a pro contract let alone one that last for two years.


Whilst he was a good player at our level he did not really stand out. It makes you wonder who else could "make" it.

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I got the impression Rocastle didn't stand out because he perhaps felt he didn't have to. To be fair, he was played out of position by Steve Browne (who would've guessed?!) and only played a small handful of games. A Jeremy Beadle handful at that.

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Yeading seem to be bolstering their squad a lot of late. Is this panic or have they got an injury crisis? Do I really care?

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how are you charlie hope you are recovering and making more comfortable and be back with the rebels soon. head up may evon see you on saturday if you are in a changed no charlie god bless



dave programes

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sorry still can't get it right. well and well and ready for the rebel world again sorry if comfusing charlie i hope you and marcus are my friends evon though i am daft as a brush most of the time especialy when slough ein after sloughs great achievement. must be several reasons to come but take care until properly ready.


dave programes

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i hope i am entertaing you by entertainig myself and practising my skills. what do you think are are chances of beating salisbury (bryco cup) leyton league and now an aquword trip to gravesend kent for the trophey match later in the month. i think we have every chance in home games but possibly meeting paul wilkinson again could be dificault to break down and also the fact they are two leagues above us. but all in all it is an away day and could do no harm getting a draw down in kent to bring back to stag meadow. any more comments or posts froma anyone and charlie. hows marcus is he ok no reply yet. proberbly very worrid about you and busy finnishing things of at school before coming home.


cheers all

dave programes

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marcus i feel a little comfused do you meen somthing is likely to happen. have i done somthing wrong. when you say acount it worries me and just trying to be me friendly 'plite and myself. i need to get things right and keep things right and glad your ok and sunday was good. let us know whats happening with regard to things as they happen as i am still finding it difercault to keep myself happy and whant to keep my friends happy in this cycle. wether it be gary yourself or dom we are the mighty slough fans and we must carry on and get this right somehow and stick together whatever results and problems happen.


take care all


dave programes

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thanks a lot guys for your help i will have to be broken in slowly with all those moves i strugle with. i will stay as i am until im ready to sort many problems out. sorry if im a little slow but that is the way i am at the moment. i will try these techneaches out as soon as possible. unfortunately my tuter has had to rush off to a meeting and is at preasent unable to assist me with this at preasent and hope you all will understand and we all go on as usal until i have crcked it and found my way into the systomn bearing mind i will have problems but must belive that i can and will do it.


take care


dave programes

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