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Standards of behaviour


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Romford F.C. have been making a concerted effort to encourge kids to attend our games, not just to watch but to take part in warm up sessions with the players as well.


Im a little concerned that the Kids have had to witness two weeks running grown men behaving like little boys. Not that I am blaming the Boro, but hey Mr ESL Chairman, if we are to encorage kids to come and watch football in this league perhaps we need to take a good look at the mentality of some of the players and club officials who are taking part in it.


I don't want to see kids being frightened of coming to ESL games as a result of these antics. One of our members young boy was in tears yesterday after the sliding cage, which I was desperatley trying to keep closed to save confronatation caught him in the face and drew blood when the opposition players tried to swing it open. At the same time I was on the end of stupid sarcastic remarks by a group oppositon committee members who were old enough to know better. Clubs like us, put a lot of work into just surviving and when the lights unexpectedly let you down, you can do without the sarcasim from so called responsible club members.


Also a member of a clubs coaching staff making alledged comments like "hope his leg is broken" when one of our players is receiving treatment is just downright irresponsible.

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I was hoping you was going to post this here Boroman, having spent a lot of time like others to get the kids over to watch Romford, it was a great shame that the kids can relate to this type of behaviour as they see it on the television by the professionals.


Reference the alledged comments by the coaching staff, it was plain to see they were never happy with any decision given against them, and a further disgrace to 'hope his leg is broken' when these guys of ours arnt getting paid and have jobs to go to on a monday morning.


Our visiting guests would also like to know that the boys and families that came along for the prematch warm up really enjoyed themselves and said they had a ball.


A very good point also raised was the sportsman ship shown by Romford to put back the kick off and then argue the toss over every decision, the little kick outs of Manor, I am so pleased I DONT FOLLOW A TEAM LIKE THAT, seems that they all need to grow up, supporters, officials and players.


They came with the hump and made sure they gave everyone the hump by the time they left.


Noticed they didnt stay behind either, wonder why I ask myself

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I agree. The ref at our game on Saturday was poor but the abuse thrown at him by the Hullbridge bench after the game was outragious. The language was disgusting and I had my 4 year old with me. The ref should report the two idiots to the league and they should be punished.

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That's two weeks running we've had to put up with this kind of behaviour, and it always seems to come from 'little' teams with chips on their shoulders, always looking to put one over on the better-supported sides with unacceptable aggressive and unpleasant attitudes. We don't get this with teams such as Enfield Town. Banter and rivalry, yes, but that's another thing entirely.

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Unfortunately you have to put up with these types of things,turn the other cheek so to speak, coz if you don't you'll end up being the bad guys.

(Been there,seen it, done it!!!)


I don't think it's right that we should have to put up with it, especially when you want to encourage youngsters & more families to attend matches, but sadly that seems to be the way it is these days.


<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/cuddle.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bisou.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/cuddle.gif" alt="" />

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So why can't the ESL look at things retrospectively, like the FA? No video evidence at what happened at Romford's last two home games, but plenty of eye witnesses. Romford were fined back in 1993 for some fans running on the pitch following a last minute equaliser (irony factor 1, it was at Southend Manor). No violence, but just exuberance. Once again no video evidence but still got our wrists slapped. So why cannot they act after the last two week's episodes? Breath holding is not an option in waiting for a response.

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Perhaps the item of "code of conduct" could be included on the next league meeting where all clubs are in attendance.


Do it on a positive basis, don't name and shame anyone but get all clubs to sign up to certain standards of behaviour for the sake of the PR of the league.


I accept there may have to be a get out clause for Coupwotcoup!

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As has been the case over the past 12 years...and in previous metamorpheses, I have been regularly blamed for many things....and often when I am not even there....Like the past two Saturdays.

Still as Oscar Wilde said: "It is better to be talked about, than not talked about".

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Not much worries me, apart from warm wine, strange people in strange clothes, my credit card bill and my wife finding out what my credit card bill is!


<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" />



PS: and your stupid jokes!

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but then if 111 people have replied to my silly jokes, they must be good, have you heard the one


<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" />


a horse walks into a bar and orders a drink, barman says, why the long face <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/tongue2.gif" alt="" />

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