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Council leader passes the buck


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When asked what was happening concerning our club and the councils decision,either way, and as to the councils continual delaying attitude, this is the reply I recieved from the leader of the council. Opting out it seems and distancing himself from any decision. I thought he was on the committee who makes these decisions. Seems I was wrong. However a little more co-operation wouldnt have gone amiss here. He has always answered questions put to him in the past,as a leaer of the council,but here he seems to be taking a rearguard view, What a fab council leader we have. (his reply below)


Dear Mr Cooke

I thought that I made it quite clear I do not have any influence over

the planning process.


As far as I am concerned the matter should be on the next Council

agenda for all members to determine. It will be for every member to make

their minds up individually


I am still happy to meet with you at any time



Sandy Ezekiel



Maybe some of us should face the man again for an update, in person. About time things were stepped up again. Any takers?


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Will we be on the agenda for 15th June meeting?


June 2005



Tue 14

Thanet Joint Transportation Board


Wed 15

Planning Committee **************************


Tue 21

Licensing Board

Finance, BV and Performance Review Panel


Thu 23

Executive and Policy Scrutiny Panel


July 2005

Thu 07

Standards Committee

Thu 14


Tue 19

Licensing Board

Wed 20

Planning Committee

Thu 21


Tue 26

Finance, BV and Performance Review Panel

Thu 28 Financial Statement Sub-Committee

Executive and Policy Scrutiny Panel

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I think he meant full council. I dont know because planning may well have to give a recommendation. It wont decide it but it may well give a recommendation.


Sandy Ezekiel isnt an arbiter. He does have to allow the full council a say.

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Questions asked of Ezekiel.

1) Why was the meeting concerning our club postponed yet again last month.

2) When is the case due to be heard next.

3) Why does it SEEM that the council are continuing with their delaying tactics.


As leader of the council,surely he could answer THESE questions fully, and may I dare say it HONESTLY.

I do think he could have been more precise with his answers,even for the so-called fact that he may not have an influence on a decision. Come on now he IS the leader and because of that he SHOULD be able to acquire those answers to the questions that were put to him.

Surely he SHOULD be in the know of everything that goes on with the council and all their decisions.

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I think the answers might be something like this:


1. Questions over the traffic survery appeared which meant a review. The medical centre plan I believe has been withdrawn. I think that was the reason for the delay.


2. Itll be either at Planning, Full Council or Cabinet.


3. I reckon there have been delays from the Club with its plans. Maybe the business plan and financial plans havent been received yet. He will deny delaying tactics as that indicates a relaxed approach to representation.


Good idea to ask questions though. Perhaps if the questions could be a little calmer it might get a better response. The third question does appear rather cutting and accusatory.

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Thank you Mr. Ezekiel.

The third question was "SEEM" to be delaying. Nothing accusory about that but merely an observation by people, having had two meetings now without our club on the agenda. I take your point though about the club possibly not having re-vised plans offered though I would find this extremely unlikely. If this were to be true then I am confused and dismayed that this hasnt been done.

Its time however to be putting pressure back on the council after a sound of silence from us lately.

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<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> Never been called that before. Been called many things but not Mr Ezekiel. Not entirely sure whether thats a compliment though...


Ask him those questions anyway. Im just saying that may well be his response. Saying "seems" just appears to be an indirect accusation of delaying tactics, you just dont want to say it out loud. Politicians do it all the time. "Many people think you seem incompetent" instead of "I think you're incompetent".


Youve got a point about putting them under pressure. Im sure he must want to get MFC as an issue out of the way, in a nice way I mean. He does have bigger things to deal with, for example, hows he going to afford next years budget?


(edit-spelling errors)

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...which is suprizing really considering people want to get out of thanet as quickly as possible normally!


Seriously I think 2 hours is over-doing it. If Westwood Cross was further into Thanet it might be right but its lcoated near to the outer part of busy Thanet.

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Ian D said:
jkmaskell said:
<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> , for example, hows he going to afford next years budget?

Never mind next year! This years budget would be good to find!

do you pay councit tax Mr James
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Well I have just managed to get back onto the forum and am extremely happy that the strategy to "stir" things up a bit has brought the desired answers to some of my questions,albeit from the club. But just a little reminder to the leader of the council will have reminded him that we out here are still waiting for those at the council to show some positivity. Ezekiels reply,though not in itself informative has given me the satisfaction for now that he has been reminded that the club and its supporters are still looking and waiting for them to act.

Having got the desired results for now,will pull back from any further action towards the council. It was meant solely as the REMINDER to him that we are still fighting and awaiting. It needed a "refresher" as things from the council had gone very quiet.

Judging by the posts concerning all of this it does seem that just bringing the subject to the fore again has raised the interest again and given food for thought to certain people in this town.

My strategy results have been achieved in this instance and thanks to those who have contributed, maybe unwittingly, to this.

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The "reply" at 11.02 yesterday wasnt Sandy Ezekiel. I dont know if perhaps our lines have got mixed up here. He hasnt replied on this forum. That was me simply trying to guess what his response might be.


I think we might have got mixed up. Sorry for the confusion

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Sorry M,it was just a tongue-in-cheek remark and I knew full well it was you. You know more than Ezekiel it seems. And thats not meant as a dig at you but a dig at the council leader in that he couldnt reply in the same way, with answers.Am glad to see that your attitude has now changed for the better. You are actually sounding like a "gate" fan now and putting in some well thought out and informative posts. And though it was before that we got at you, now you are on the same positive wavelength as us and all credit to you for that turn-around in attitude.Well done.

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Thats alright...gotcha. I had a terrible vision of you facing up to Sandy and demanding answers to questions which might have come out of the previous questions and he wouldnt have had a clue what you were on about. Its a bit early for suprizes like ethat.


I dont think he would find this forum very homely...this forum is a bit harsh on the current administration.

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It worked with the demo and it will continue to work with more pressure, at certain times. Sorry, I have to disagree with you there and besides no-one is going "overboard" with anything.(What is it that you are referring to as reguards "going overboard?").

Its got to be better to have a "voice" rather than sit around waiting for the worst. At certain times it is sometimes better to say nothing too. Remember that we were on the brink of extinction until that well attended demo made those at the council think hard and think again.Until this day I truly believe that that mass attendance and show of feelings from the fans contributed to us now moving forward. I strongly believe that had that demo not brought the club to the forefront of things we would not now be here now to debate things at all.Just occasionally it is worth "shaking things up" should the results and desired outcome seem to be in the "forgotten" mode by certain individuals or parties.

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May be Ians mini coaches, myself and my fellow taxi/mini cab drivers, and any other business person held up by the congestion at westwood should bill both the local council and county council for loss of earnings due to there failiure to put in an road system capible of coping. I estimate that the abortion that is the clock tower lights as cost me 5 pounds for every hour i have worked the margate seafront. Does any one no the cost of the near empty club buses (except the last ones) at weekends. 4 police offices for 3 hours,how much do they charge to police a football match.

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