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Cirencester Game

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Mevyn is currently at the ground. No referee has yet inspected the ground, but the supporters working on the pitch are fairly confident of it going ahead - but I understand that it is not definately on yet.



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Just got back from Park Lane. There are some frosty bits in the goal areas and along one of the touchlines. However, Micky and his helpers are working bloody hard (well done lads) and they are confident that with the 3:00om kick-off there is plenty of time for the temperature to steadily climb and thaw things out.


It's never possible to give a 100% guarantee that a game will be on because the final decision comes from the referee. However, everyone I spoke to, plus my own observations, suggest that the game will go ahead. Cirencester left at about 9:30am this morning and so are well on their way by now.


Just had an email from Frances confirming that the game will go ahead. So you see, everyone is confident.


Let's just hope that we don't get a referee who suffering from a bad cold and a wedding reception he wants to go to!

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brrr just got back .. good work getting that game away, what with postponements everywhere.. well done to Micky and the chaps!!!

.. ok so they wern't that hot and they had a long trip but,

i felt that duffers looked good..

J.K. was a bit quiet..

minton gets better n better and really looks like he is enjoying it!

prothers was comfy

chenners is getting back to his best

wardy is well .. wardy

benno was formidable

i bet southend wish they had a player like boylan, at class alert!

i leave the rest for you guys to fill in

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Lets hope that the hunger we saw in this game continues into the League.

Duffy and his pace were back to what we saw earlier last season and Protheroe looked the class act too.

Agree about JK being quite I do like the new Benno in midfield he allows Minton to do his bit. I do think that Wardy and Chenners are sometimes guilty of the thoughless lump upfield.

There will be players coming back from this and that problem soon and will be looking to play a first team roll, I just wonder what we will be seeing player wise in the next few weeks!

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I think we should stick with the team that played saturday apart from 2 changes.Although Crow had a good game I think Cowans should replace him, and I would rather see Potter in goal,although Ash didnt have that much to do on Saturday I dont think he instils confidence in the defence and his kicking is sometimes a bit dodgy.

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I really can't agree with you about Davidson, I think he had a great game yesterday. Ashley didn't have a lot to do yesterday so he can't really be judged on yesterdays performance. I do though think that Potter should have a look in, he hasn't put a foot wrong during the games that I have attended. It really isn't the same team once you start replacing a couple of players; so many choices to be had: just like going to a Chinese banquet!

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I swear Basil-Don is NOT me under another name, although I seem to agree with everything he's saying!!!


Cowan probably would've played Saturday if he hadn't been Cup Tied and if Potter, Rudi & Michael Lee don't start on Tuesday then something is wrong!!!


Crow did have a good game, on Saturday, in fact the whole defence did, it was only Chenery slipping over that let Cirencester have a shot on goal. I favour Benno over Brennan in front of the back-line too and how Minton doesn't get player of the year, I don't know!!!


Matt CIFC <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Yep ! Matt I agree, Minton is heading for Player of the year in my books too !


Thought Duffy had a great game. Still think Brayley deserves a full game, or at least the last 30 minutes. JK was solid, chasing, never giving up. The way we moved the ball from one end to the other leading to Boylan's first goal, was some of the best football this season.


Looked at your ratings for this game, would have added at least one point to each score.

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Just to be consistant Ill stick with my contention that it is the mix we are seeking

On Saturday the mix produced 90 minutes where each and every member of the team attempted to play the way we have ALL been saying has been missing for long periods this season

Not only that but the attitude was so strong across the entire team that even when "game over" situation was reached we continued to pursue excellence

Our new player Rudi looked the business but even he would admit the team gave him the ideal situation to make his arrival in


Do we go again with the same side Tuedsday?

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Just two queries on your statement Matthew

How does Benno retain his place over Rudi

Who do you propose is dropped for Michael Lea, JK OR Wardy?

It may well be that the opposition failed to truly test the side fielded but I was so pleased to see "Canvey" football being played again for a full 90 minutes and if we are to make a charge up the league then this is our last chance hotel

Do we really have the number of games left to go back to failed (team not individuals) selections or to continue experimenting with the mix



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I feel some players deserve a rest on Tuesday evening, one thing Canvey can't do is field an under strengh team, just by sheer number. Every place on our team has at least two players competing for it... A good thing would be trying to predict the line-up for tomorrow night, given that key players are bound to be rested


I feel Canvey could and maybe should field a team LIKE the one below, you can select any subs you want, but I'd go wiht this for the starting eleven:


1. Potter

2. Lee

3. Forbes

4. Ward

5. Johnson

6. Cowan

7. Ruhanen

8. D. Gregory

9. Berquez

10. Brayley

11. Parmenter


Many of these didn't play Saturday and letting them have a run out wouldn't do any harm. Like I said above it's not exactly under strength is it?!!


Matt <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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with a lot of games potentially rolling up to the end of the season its a trade off between a settled side or regular use of fresh legs.. as mathew points out there are great players throughtout the squad and they will need to be kept sharp.. the managers lot is rarely a happy one ;-)

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I think a lot of our problems this season have been because we havent had a settled team,havent we started 2 games running only once with the same team? What we achieved over the last 2 seasons was with virtuarly the same team with changes only because of injuries or suspensions.I am against squad rotation because i believe some of the squad are fringe players and will never make it as first team regulars either due to lack of commitment or lack of skills.We are now half way through the season and should have by now a good idea of the 15 players who are going to give their all for the club to make this season a success.

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We just do not have the time and games to commence a rotation system some of those players who have lacked recent games failed to be picked due to earlier performance(s)

Some will never be "Canvey" players, The demand for pass and move is beyond them, we will fail attempting to play any other way than the Canvey way

Others have failed to produce 90 minutes despite being played for a substantial number of games

Opinion is everything in football but the gap between us and the top 2/3 teams requires week-in week-out point(s) collection

Trophy success is winner takes all per round

Trust the best footballers able to produce 90 minutes of Canvey pass and move its too late this season to invest in a major change in policy


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Basil-Don i believe your right in saying that we have started 2 games running only once with the same team this season and scored 9 goals i think!


I do think though that tonights game could be a good time for Lee to get involved and will help settle Ruhanen into the Park Lane squad.


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I think Wardy does need to be dropped for a couple of games, just to see how the team changes. Wardy is a good defender, but this season has not been his best. I can't see the harm in replacing him with Ross Johnson for a couple of games, and then putting him back in and assess the situation. I think we miss Ross Johnson's long throws, they're deadly!

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