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HTFC ONE & Tringarmy

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Fantastic !! - not yet but theres always time. The worst I've had was a Tim Flowers moment at Cranfield where a tame shot along the ground hit a divot, flew up over my shoulder and in. Not worth trying anything too fancy on some of the pitches in our league

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I still can't work out what's going on in the keepers mind, it reminds me of a computer game when the computer takes over your keeper just when you dont want it too and rushes him back to the goal <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


If I remember the Tim Flowers goal right, didn't he mark out his goal and the ball skipped up in the air on one of his markings!!

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You never said how your drink was spiked last week? Was it just a couple of Vodkas (Ok in my books) or chemicals (Definately not ok!)

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S h i t! I had that happen once through over drinking and it was scary.


We could start a whole new thread on drinking stories I reckon.


.. there was this time in Prague......

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Only went been there once.. first and only time I have ever been truly 'legless'. Absinthe shots literally made me lose control of my legs.. had full comprehension etc just couldn't walk!

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The good work was by the guys who had to carry me from bar to bar and then home at the end of the night!!

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HTFC ONE said:
Who'd be a bloody keeper !

Come on then HTFC ONE, what the biggest mistake you have made <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I remember playing in goal when I was younger, a shot went hurtling past me and I thought it was going wide, I turned around to see where it had gone only for it to rebound of the post and smack me right in the face, and then into the net!!!!

Embarrasing and painful!!!
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AWK - I certainly know what the best goal is that he has ever let in.

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