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Boo Boys


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I have noticed that the trend to single out one player and slag him off whatever he does has continued for another year.


Whatever their reason a small group (and usually it is only a small group of different people each year) have targetted Danny Stubbs


I personally think their criticism is unjustified (not just because I sponsor him) but for some reason supporters seem to need a target from their own team and this has been going on to my knowledge for the last 35 years.


Can someone explain why

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Perhaps someone could also explain what happened to the additional singers that we seemed to have accrued over the past couple of weeks? There had been some good banter between the choir and the wonderfully-titled 'OAPs' at recent home games, yet the latter just seemed back to their old ways on Saturday. This is when the team needs us most of all!

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I was a bit suprised by the anti-Stubbs calls - although one persistent heckler is louder than everyone else put together, and was quite prolific this week.


Personally I don't think he's been up to his usual standards the last two matches, but no-one can be 100% all the time, so I see no reason to barrack him. Surely it creates anxiety / lack of confidence which then adversely affects performance, attracting more criticism etc etc.


That said, I was guilty of getting on Power's back. I can't justify it, but I would put that down to months of apparent ineptitude, not 2 quiet games!

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He thought he was liked too, he'll be p****d off by this subject matter.He's obviously made the mistake of thinking that those who do support his being at the club would tell the supposed 'few' who dont to shut up or p*** off to watch Ramsgate..............just for now at least until things change of course.Then they can come back and support or barrack the new players for next season. They are a joke and a feeble excuse for supporters and I wouldnt wish them on any league team and will take great pleasure in tellin them that to their faces too. Would they have the nuts to tell any of the players to their face what they think of them...????????????? If so I'll arrange it for them.ASAP.

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Originally Posted By: Iris's Tea Hut
BGA, no I wasn't - can't throttle the lino from there...

Ah so you are the reason why a Steward was placed by the Ezicel stand on Saturday to protect the Lino. The colur of his skin was not the reason then.

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Originally Posted By: ronks41
He thought he was liked too, he'll be p****d off by this subject matter.He's obviously made the mistake of thinking that those who do support his being at the club would tell the supposed 'few' who dont to shut up or p*** off to watch Ramsgate..............just for now at least until things change of course.Then they can come back and support or barrack the new players for next season. They are a joke and a feeble excuse for supporters and I wouldnt wish them on any league team and will take great pleasure in tellin them that to their faces too. Would they have the nuts to tell any of the players to their face what they think of them...????????????? If so I'll arrange it for them.ASAP.

A few of us did tell them they were being unfair to him Ronks, but some people are too thick skinned to realise what it can do to a player's confidence. Tell Dan there are a lot more fans on his side and only a few idiots against him please.
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Well Ronks you know what the people think of Dan where you watch the game from and, this is nothing to do with you as most of them do not know who you are.


Unfortunatley, this kind of behaviour is endemic in some so called 'Gate' fans (as Frankie points out) and as I had occasion at the start of this season to dig out a 'Gate' supporter who got on a players back after about five minutes if I hear it again to any player I will do so again.


Finally Dan (and the rest of the players)has my 100% support on the field BUT if I think he has had a bad game I will tell him privatley after the match (much in the way I know you do).



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its unfair to boo a player just because he's not playing to his usual standards. even world class players have bad days. should they booed for it? look at Eboue, does he deserve the booing he gets at Arsenal? not in my opinion, because he tries hard and hes had many more good games than bad games


Dan's been awesome this season. even if he has a bad game, he puts in 100% and chases everything. he's a good player, and i'm glad he's playing for us.


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Who the F<<K could possibly be booing this young lad. To me he's been my player of the season. Never stops running, tackling and trying to play football, proper football. What I call real football not "hack and hoof".

I will NEVER EVER condem a player for trying to play the beautiful game the way the game should be played with both passion and flair. Sometimes a move might not come off but percentage wise it will and it's a damn sight better to watch than someone just hoofing it back to the opposition.

In fact Thankyou Danny Stubbs for making my Saturdays a pleasurable past time, this season. I love football and I know football lovers love you.

Must admit I didn't hear any of the booing but I am a bit deaf now days!

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Originally Posted By: Pagey
Vocal minority

I've not heard any of this so it's certainly not coming from the usual vocal few. Wasn't at his best Saturday but his attitude is NEVER IN QUESTION, and as a result I would certainly not get on Danny's back.
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