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I have been watching


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With some interest Billericays performance off and on the pitch.


I am tempted to shout I told you so, but the gentleman in me will refrain.


I see very dark days for ricay with the potential of relegation facing them and the new developing conference without them in it.


If this stadium is as I suspect not going ahead they will be as I predicted in very serious trouble. Some of you will know that I have been very vocal in my objections and spoke at the planning inquiry against the move.


I honestly belive now that if this stadium does not go ahead it will possibly be the end of BTFC.


Nobody in their right mind can want that, I will grudgingly admit that BTFC is a very important part of essex and non league football.


The fact that the situation has been manufactured by your chairman does not alter the situation things are now at.


I will therefore like to suggest that the stay away supporters protest at every game, write to your chairman, write to the papers and even write to the government.


You must however turn up to the games and get behind your team, you must cheer on your players and put your money over the turnstiles, you must buy a programme, you must buy a burger otherwise you may not have a club at all.


I cannot tell you all I know as I may be challenged in court, but you must know that this is the most crucial time in your clubs history and you must turn up at the games and spend your money.


If this message is coming from me knowing my views on the move take it as serious.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Congratulations and well done ricay. You still need to be watchfull, but if what I think is going to happen next happens. I suspect you are 3 - 4 years away from not being allowed on this site as they do not allow league clubs on here.


Do not take your eye of the ball and I think you are in for a bumpy ride, but well done.


I am not gonna say to much yet because it could still go tits up yet but, I really wish you well.


I may even come down your club and buy you all a pint to show no hard feelings or do you think I would get lynched.


As for Mr Moore read my past posts and see what happened.

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Can you explain what you mean by not allowing league clubs....etc. Is this a reference to Gloucester Park?


It will be interesting to get the new Chairman's views and it would be good if he would seek the thoughts of fans. I know of at least one sound idea where considerable expansion could be done at New Lodge just by buying a piece of the surrounding land; a deal which should be feasible, and not overly expensive.

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I cant see anything wrong with any of the posts on this thread.


the only thing i can see is some members of the btsa who suddenly think they are more important than everyone else.


everyone gets a fair crack on this forum. lies, unsubstantiated allegations and abuse get removed.


stick it up ur aghast!!

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I think that gazza has a point...these people have been causing unrest on your forums for a good while...mostly related to rod moores and GP....


from what I can gather you now have a brand new future and an opportunity for the big time......I'll tell you this...and yes...I know it aint my business but I am not a stranger to these forums and I'm never short of an opinion


they wont get on the urchins forum...well...one post maybe.... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


protect what you care for 'ricay....dont let these outsiders upset 'your new dawn'...


kick 'em orf the forums...NOW..... before its all to late....anyway...


we'll see you mext week amd I'll guarantee that the 'posters of dissention' will not be among you...and...


as usual...you will be severely thrashed for upstartness and mousedom.... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


mugs.... <img src="/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

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Me finks you have missed my point, I believe things are potentially so positive ricay may in 3 - 4 years time be looking at league status.


Mr Kent is a very clever man and could if he wishes move things along beyond even your wildest dreams. My only caution is "if he wishes". At this stage I think he does, but just be cautious.

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mobrien said:

I am not gonna say to much yet because it could still go tits up yet but, I really wish you well.

i.e I am not gonna say too much yet because I dont know [****!!****]! because I haven't got a [****!!****] clue about this football club all i am trying to do is stir up trouble- I support canvey!

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GazzaBTFC said:

Who are these people? I'm aghast at their views, their opinions and their smugness!!!



I had hoped this bickering would be put behind us but as usual you can't shut up. Read your various posts and then ask yourself who is smug and pompous. YOU are full of your own importance.


YOU took a straw poll of fans opinions, and YOU reported back that everyone seemed to be pleased with the change of Chairman. And YOU seemed to bask in the reflected glory of the change.


Yet YOU, the VC of the Supporters Club fought to keep the status quo. YOU tried to saddle the rest of the supporters with YOUR version of what was best. If, as everyone seems to think, the change is wholly for the better, it is absolutely no thanks to YOU. YOU were wrong and it gripes YOU that you were out thought, out manoeuvred, and generally outplayed. YOU are about one tenth as smart as YOU think you are.


No need to bar me, my work is now done. And as the Club marches on to bigger and better things I shall be pleased with my contribution to that change, and I shall also remember how you tried so hard to prevent it.


If you really want to see a united front going forward,you will use what brain you have a bit more in the future.


Good bye


Blue Moon

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I think you are being a little bit harsh on Gazza there.


I dont think he was ever against change (feel free to prove me wrong) he, like myself was just supportive of the then current chairman because he supports the club, and will always support the club.


I'm sure like any true Billericay supporter will give his support to Steve Kent and all he will be trying to achieve at the club.



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Leave it...This p**t doesn't even know who I am. He accused me of "running the bar" at New Lodge on New Years Day, whilst I was driving on the M25 to the Hayes game...So you can guess who he thinks I am.


He's been wrong all the time and to quote "my work is done"...well, who out of the two of us is full of his own importance? Or in his case impotance. For someone who doesn't even pitch up at New Lodge and has to hide by many of his assumed names, impotance would be quite correct in this case

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You're even less smart than I gave you credit for in my earlier note!!


All my comments about your alternative names were simply to wind you up so that I could keep a dialogue going for as long as possible. This way I got maximum air time for my views. At the same time I was the one with multiple aliases, but you couldn't see it then and I'm not sure you see it now. Arrogance can be blinding.


I've known exactly who you are all along, and I know quite a bit about you including your job, which is NOT a detective! You continue to dig yourself further into the mire every time you open your mouth, or exercise your typing finger.


Amen...by the way that is the last word.

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so come on then westy oh sorry Blue moon - who are you? what other alias' have you used?


it doesn't take a genius to work out who gazza does it!


He doesn't hide like some people!

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cripes...has he really gone....don't believe it for a second...mind you...I'll have to watch the urchin board in case he turns up there.... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


my analysis....well educated...articulate and acting in line with an alternative agenda...


who's to say if he meant good or bad... <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />


the only thing you lot need to worry about now anyway is where your next points are coming from....cos you'll get fck all out of us next saturday... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hmmmmm, now I wonder....What does the


<img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


mean....Ah well, I could jump at shadows all day and all night...Who cares.


Looking forward to the usual Urchin welcome with 'Ricay will winning 1-0, penalty by Danny Hockton, 89 minutes, just to p*ss all those Urchins off.


I may even lay off those burgers and have some sausages and chips in the club house to soak up all that bottled beer

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