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freedom of the press

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so...we now find out from todays Sun that the society heiress who revealed to the NOW that she was becks second 'mistress'.....


is now a hooker in Australia....


now there's a fckin surprise......


we also now know that the first one....a PR officer for Becks agency....lost her job at posh spice's hand....


so...no axe to grind there then....


how the fck the press are allowed to print all this [****!!****] under the 'freedom of press' banner is beyond a fckin joke.....


dont suppose they'd like to print the true story of 'porno [***!!***] caplins' lesbian affair with the wicked witch or her line in 'back of government limo's blow jobs' on our tone would they....


didn't think so.....


not after said leper colony inhabitant put his agent peter foster into downing street to create that menage et trois that finally brought 'our tone' to said press barons feet....


now I dont care what becks has or hasn't done....if it was me I'd have f***ed everything that moved if I was married to that ghastly cow...but nonetheless...the 'anti brit... red rage... antipodean instigated...' press attacks on OUR england captain 2 months before a massive challenge in portugal is a fckn national disgrace....


now as we know...the sun and the NOW are owned and controlled by a meglomaniacal convict from the leper colonies who happens to be fanatically anti british and anti royalist........and...


who also suffers from gout....


who the fck allowed this manaic control over the tabloid press and....satellite domination of the UK....??


ah yes.....'our tone'...of course...silly me....


fck me...you couldn't make it up culdya.....

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Hi UU.


Have you had a bad day?


It's Brooklyn and Romeo that I worry about, to be honest, bless 'em. Mind you I was tempted for a moment to go up to HMV and buy a Victoria CD in sympathy for the gel, but the moment passed fairly quickly and I didn't bother.


What's next in your posting?


Oh yes. Cherry. I recall a comment in the press from a couple of years ago. The writer, it might have been Ian Wooldridge, said that he thought of the lunatic's good lady every time he saw the new press box, or media centre, whatever it's called, at Lords cricket ground. Wait until you next see it. Clearly, they were separated at birth.


The wacko guru? Yes, I'm with you on that one too.


Enough. One of the Hornchurch fans on your site asked to be Manager for the day at the last game of the season. Good idea that. I know that you are not one for the fund raising stuff but it would make a great raffle or auction prize. I have suggested it at our place but it did not meet with universal support, particularly from the Manager. I mean, how difficult can it be for just one match? Pick the side, stand up in the technical bit and swear a lot.


Anyway. I'm waiting on a very important response to a simple question from my good friend Mark (Flag) Braintree so I must dash. Good luck for the rest of the season UU.

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Hi UU.


I've just re-read my posting and there may be a touch of ambiguity in one part of the thing.


I said something about the apparent disinterest in fundraising at the home of The Mighty Urchins. I meant the traditional Non League football fundraising activities of Golden Goal, raffles, 200 Club and all that stuff. Apologies in the unlikely event of any misunderstanding.


<img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

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Uncle Urchin said:
who the fck allowed this manaic control over the tabloid press and....satellite domination of the UK....??

ah yes.....'our tone'...of course...silly me....

fck me...you couldn't make it up culdya.....

Other way round surely, Uncle Rupert allowed Tone to take over the country. Only the gullible read his papers and watch his TV channels anyway...
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ha ha ha....well...


got you first time AFFY.....just being a bit arsey and giving you a hard time....


you'll forgive me I'm sure...... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


anyway..more important matters....


issues of tabloids..... <img src="/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />


only the 'ricay read the echo...including you young 'estuary vagabond'...and you all scream blue murder cos they dont give you headlines....


fck me simon...you've gotta pay 'em....slip some dosh in an envelope thru the sports editor's door and ....whoosh bang...


back page...headlines...


mind you...in your case....


might cost a right few quid...


<img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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