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Billericay 4-2 Chelsmford

Simon BTFC

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Billericay made 2 changes with Jamie Dormer injured - replaced by Ross Wareham and Danny Hockton rested - replaced by Nathan Elder.


I'll run through the goals....


4 mins 0-1 A Chelmsford header came back off the bar. Pat went to clear the ball but it rebounded off Macca and into the net


8 mins 0-2 Mel, thinking an offside decision had been given rolls the ball out to take a kick, the ref hadn't whistled and Chelmsford were presented with an easy goal on a plate.


18 mins Billericay begin to settle after nightmare start. Ross, my motm, cuts in off left wing and unleashes a shot that hits the bar


30 mins 1-2 High punt out of goal that Nathan gets to just in front of keeper, directing the ball into the back of the net.


72 mins 2-2 High cross from neil Cousins, their keeper has a flap and the ball bounces kindly for Ross Wareham who heads home


85 mins 3-2 Hunter corner, Sappleton header. They haven't learned from last season when we got an almost identical goal!


99 mins (or something like that) their keeper up for a free kick, ball cleared Hockers picks up ball in own half and runs through for an easy goal.




Game Saps Macca Kerrigan

Lay Hunter Thomas Wareham

Cousins Elder



Hockton for Lay 62 mins

Henty for Cousins 85

Bourne for Elder 90

SNU: Dobson, Brightley

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Not bad but for the last goal - clearly flagged by the (so-called) refs assistant could have been for handball or offside but, hey, there we go ref bottles it....such is life. So onwards we go, four games down and another umpteen to compete.


Good atmosphere in the ground. Thought the crowd

would have broken the 1,000 mark though were a lot of big games in Essex today.

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Huh Simon?

" 72 mins 2-2 High cross from neil Cousins, their keeper has a flap and the ball bounces kindly for Ross Wareham who heads home "


Surely Ross beat a couple of defenders and curled in a left footed shot from just inside the penalty area for the equalizer ???


i know I've had a few shiders tonight but one of us seems to have had tooooooo many !!!

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Well, what a game, what a day. Absolutely stunning. Ultimately we were the better side and deserved the win. They scored two early goals, but never looked much like scoring after that. I was confused about the second goal. To me it just looked like Mel had misjudged it, got in a panic and spanked it against the legs of their forward, who then stuck it in. The general consensus among the fans was that offside had been signalled, and Mel had thrown it down for a free kick.


We started to get into the match on about 20 minutes. Ross dribbled it past two players and hit an absolutely stunning shot that rebounded off the bar. As above, i think Ross was superb yesterday, and gets my Motm too.


2-1 down at half time and all of a sudden i was optimistic again. '3-2, were gonna win 3-2'.


Second half started slowly, but we were soon dominating possession and chances. To be honest our second and third goals are a bit of a blur, all i remember is the keeping dropping a cross and someone shooting home (Ross, it later transpired). Pretty sure it wasnt a header. Lost my phone, almost lost my glasses, and got burnt in the mouth with my own cigareete in the ensuing scramble.


Third goal i cant remember at all, apart from checking how much time was left afterwards.


After that there was a horrendous amount of injury time. They got a couple of late set pieces, and it was all a bit nervy, but we stood firm. Fourth goal was a bit of a comedy effort, keeper was stranded and the ball eventually found its way to Danny who strolled home for the easiest goal he'll ever score. Good to see him scoring no matter how they come. Thought it might have been offside since there was no keeper there to act as 'second defender'. But if you say Danny was in our half, thats good enough for me. It matters not anyway as the ref blew for full time 10 seconds after the restart.


Bit disappointed with only 980 people there, but there were much fewer Chelmo fans there than the last time we played. Cant really blame them going by the results theyve had thus far, but youd have thought theyd have managed a few fans for a derby game. After all, beating us last year was the highlight of their season wasnt it? Anyway, as already mentioned, the blue army were quality. Constant noise even when 2-0 down. Shame we cant have that at every home game, as i really think we helped lift the boys.


Finally its great to see us come from 2-0 down. Im not going to say anything about 'the mark of a champion side', or anything ridiculous like that so early in the season, but i will say it shows a great fighting attitude, and desire. You only have to look at the goal celebrations by our boys to see the passion there. Cousins and Leon were two that struck me, despite not being the ones to score, looked like theyd just scored the winning goal in the FA Cup final. Marvellous stuff, its great for the fans to see such passion.


Roll on Saturday for a footie 'double header'.

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jl said:
A great comeback from us after conceding two very bad goals. We deserved the win and were the better side.

Very poor turnout from Chelmo affected the gate.

Max pointed up, can't argue with that, roll on saturday.

Blast it! Missed you counting our numbers, jl.
What an interesting life you lead on matchdays..
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I'd make this one a sticky for a week to give an example of what happens when we win as a team and who has the balls to make encouraging noises when things go well for us.


Now look at the number of posts where we lose and do the math.


As a supporter, I think it would be nice that those that come on here for a moan up, praise the team when they do well as well. What do you think?

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Gazza, its worth pointing out that when we lose most poeple post their opinion on here and a discussion begins. If we win the chances are everyone has the same opinion so less to talk about. If we lose we all become experts. Also, when we lose a lot of the posts are from the same person who then feels he has to justify his original posting in the first place. Im pretty sure that if you read most forums at every level of football there is more to be said when a team loses than when they win. In think for the most part all the users of this forum are very fair and constructive with their views and opnions.

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I have to say that most of the comments have been consructive and I said so in the program, I just feel that a few more "well dones" when we win from people that only come on here when we lose would be welcome.


I also remember reading that Justin said that it was the supporters that spurred on the team to win this game...Oh how a couple of weeks changes things.

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Im sure that having played for Spurs, Justin should be more than understanding to the fickle nature of fans. I stand to be correct here, but im sure when most people post an honest opinion that is prehaps critical that they belive that this will in someway be read or heard and used to motivate. A good example of this is the treatment of marlon harewood at west ham. He has taken a pasting of the fans and the press and its spurred him on to now be the current top scorer in the premiership.

I think the "well dones" will return once we are back on winning ways and those that have spoken out on here will congratulate accordingly. I think the honest opinions have been expressed on here are becuase after last season the lads raised the expectations we as supporters had. Maybe we have all been bought down a peg a two this season and have realised that just cos we came second last year doesnt mean we will this time unless we raise our game.

I do agree with you Gazza, i think if you post on here to offer an opinion in defeat then it wouldnt harm to offer a sentence in victory too.

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Every team has a bad run of form during a season, I'm sure that by Christmas will look back at this and have a chuckle. I think there was too much pressure put on us but ourseleves as well as other supporters saying we are favourites to go up etc. I'm sure the AFc dons supporters are thinking twice about how easy this league would be as well. 3 points on Saturday will turn it all around both players and supporters will get some motivation back.


Heres to 3 points on Saturday.

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