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Moronic 'fans'

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Unfortunatly the behaviour of a few 'fans' at the end of last nights game will have done the clubs image no good at all, it's one thing to give the ref some stick as he came off but what was the abuse shouted at Dover goalie Paul Hyde and a couple of his team mates all about? Giving the oppo's keeper some stick during the game is all part and parcel but the behaviour of a few idiots at the end who were clearly unable to handle their drink was totally out of order, credit to Paul Hyde he just laughed the abuse off. Some of the Dover stewards, who seemed friendly enough, also came in for the same abuse. Who are these morons, they weren't about in the Ryman League days?

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I saw the moron who threw the bottle but, as has been mentioned before, it was someone I did not recognise. I'd recognise him again however.

It annoys me to see these bandwagon jumpers make the vast majority look like animals.

People wonder why we get segregated when we go away, I'd suggest that a few drunk idiots running up and down, swearing and calling anyone who gets in their way abusive names coupled with a moron who thinks its appropriate to throw a missile don't help matters.

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I had not seen any of them before at first I assumed they were Dover fans until they started abusing some of the Dover players as they came off and chanting Gravesend etc. I'd suggest that the club can well do without their support as Jimmy says the next thing will be more segregation at away games and everyone will be tarred with the same brush.

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