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Anoraks, trainspotting & other matters of huge import

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Couldn't help noticing (& as a sensitive soul, being deeply hurt) by some of the comments in the "Anonymous" thread.


1. On the subject of trainspotting, given the fact I wear my log in name proudly & loudly, does that make me in "GNFC's" opinion a total saddo who desperately needs to get a life?


2. On the subject of anoraks. I've given up wearing anything that could be loosely construed as such a garment, after the mistaken belief that I was clothed in one twice nearly cost me my life. The first time was at Wealdstone, many years ago, when faced with the staple question posed by all Neanderthals, "What are you looking at? Yeah, you, the git in the blue anorak (actually it was a very chic Adidas hooded waterproof top)?" simply because I wasn't over impressed with a bunch of oiks, thinking it was ok to run off with Nigel's Fleet hat & rip it to shreds (other non Johnny Come Latelies will know exactly who I mean.) The second time was at home to Aldershot a few years back, when I was recognized by a similar bunch of intellectuals as "that [****!!****] in the anorak (actually a fine, double-lined winter garment, with breathable storm-proof outer layer) who called the police in the car park," because I'd taken exception to the opposition's trainer attempting to sneak away in the back of a car after running onto the pitch & chinning Lee Spiller. I was also mysteriously abused as a "Do Gooder" & "Tony Blair" on this occasion. (Presumably this means you have to accept violent behaviour, vote Tory & get soaking wet in the rain to be cool?)


Right, having proved myself a total anorak, even though I claim never to have worn one, let me proceed to something of huge import:


3. Are we going to get real ale in the bar? I did unearth quite a few other closet anorak wearing trainspotting types when I suggested this before.



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Trainspotter, You got it all wrong mate, your far to touchy - I never called you a saddo, have another read of what I put. It seems to me that your face either fits here or it don't an mine obviously don't.


As for calling people Johnny Come Latelies, I'm sure the club does not share your opinion when they try and attract new supporters to the club.


I'm getting bored of arguing on here now, for the last time I meant no offence and I wasn't aiming my comments at anyone in particular. I was only trying to make a statement and didn't mean any offence.


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3. Are we going to get real ale in the bar? I did unearth quite a few other closet anorak wearing trainspotting types when I suggested this before.


I've had a word, and it seems there was a problem as far as Courage were concerned. Something about storage and real ale going off quicker and other such technical things I didn'r understand. After all I only drink the stuff not make it.

So I suggested to the PTB that we should revisit the minipin idea.

I'll keep you informed!
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Thanks for the responses, chaps.


GNFC - Just goes to show how easy it is to have one's tone/motives misunderstood. (A point you make, yourself.) My reaction to your reference to anorak wearing trainspotters was meant simply as a humorous diversion, prompted by the self deprecating log in name I've chosen for myself. As for my reference to Johnny Come Latelies, yes, you're right that does imply condecension on my part, but it wasn't intended: simply poorly chosen vocab on my part. I was referring to the fact that long term supporters would remember Nigel - a fixture behind the Fleet goal for many years. I don't share the view that new supporters are somehow less valuable than old timers like myself. The club wouldn't have a chance of surviving without the excellent (and loud) support which has joined us over the last season or so.


Dave - A prompt reply as ever. Thanks for supporting my private little obsession. All us bespectacled, sandal wearing, pot bellied, bearded old farties who favour the real over the gassy & the artificially 'smooth' should keep the pressure on for the mini pin experiment. Better than getting a huge barrel of something uninteresting & predictable from Courage, anyway. Gives us the chance to be more imaginative in our choice. A full size barrel would only go off, thereby confirming the myth that real ale is only any good for sprinkling on your chips.


Cheers, chaps



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