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Reading Town 4-1 Chessington video

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Originally Posted By: bomaya
Didn't Reading get beat by Fulham at the weekend?

When did I ever start talking about Reading? The answer is never yay. I don't like Reading they have poor fans biggrin1 who don't create an intimidating atmosphere dance. Thats why I support Reading Town and will do for the rest of my life becasue 1) To expensive to see championship players 2) You can not stand at Reading FC and have to sit 3) They only sing when their winning 4) They should have a drummer in the East but have a person in the North stand who is rubbish and once I was in the north stand and the drummer was late and they were using a sandal against the stand to make some noise funny. 5) They have to many glory hunters West and South Stand and they are to busy making packed lunch and a cup of tea. 6) I feel involed at Reading Town FC and always thinking of new ideas to get more support ect. Yes Reading got beat agiainst Fulham 2-0 at home and the support was rubbish saw it on match of the day.

Reading Town till I die
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Originally Posted By: RTFC Barmy Army drummer
Are you talking about me when I was drumming when Reading Town scored?

John, A number of questions:
1. Where the [****!!****] did you get that drum from? It looks like a voodoo drum!
2. Why is there only a few people there? (very poor attendance)
3. When the 3rd goal is being shown, the player comes over to celebrate with you lot and you just ignore him and make him look like a right prat. Why didn't you just enjoy the moment?
4. Why would anyone want to come and sing with you lot if you have a [****!!****] ground, only 2 people singing, a drum that overpowers the singing, no proper songs and when a player scores no one really cheers apart from a few people?
5. Why don't you have a unique name? We have the 'Amber Army' and there's only a few other clubs who have a 'firm' called the 'Amber Army'. Loads of clubs have a 'Barmy Army' - even a criket team!!!

I would be very greatful if you could answer all of these.

John, there's one thing that you have to understand about vocally supporting any club:

You always want people to come down to Scours Lane to create an intimidating atmosphere. Which is fine but you'll never be respected by any other groups of fans if you just want to annoy them. Also the players will not praise you like the Cheshunt players and staff praise us because you're not cheering THEM on. You're cheering yourselves on to make the away fans more intimidated.

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Originally Posted By: East_Stand_Ambers
Originally Posted By: RTFC Barmy Army drummer
Are you talking about me when I was drumming when Reading Town scored?

John, A number of questions:
1. Where the [****!!****] did you get that drum from? It looks like a voodoo drum!
2. Why is there only a few people there? (very poor attendance)
3. When the 3rd goal is being shown, the player comes over to celebrate with you lot and you just ignore him and make him look like a right prat. Why didn't you just enjoy the moment?
4. Why would anyone want to come and sing with you lot if you have a [****!!****] ground, only 2 people singing, a drum that overpowers the singing, no proper songs and when a player scores no one really cheers apart from a few people?
5. Why don't you have a unique name? We have the 'Amber Army' and there's only a few other clubs who have a 'firm' called the 'Amber Army'. Loads of clubs have a 'Barmy Army' - even a criket team!!!

I would be very greatful if you could answer all of these.

John, there's one thing that you have to understand about vocally supporting any club:

You always want people to come down to Scours Lane to create an intimidating atmosphere. Which is fine but you'll never be respected by any other groups of fans if you just want to annoy them. Also the players will not praise you like the Cheshunt players and staff praise us because you're not cheering THEM on. You're cheering yourselves on to make the away fans more intimidated.


K 1st question: I got my drum off ebay for
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Listen rat boy!


We have 2, count that, 2 drummers (Dunc and Tommy) so stick that up your @ss.


You have a crap ground. We have a resonably good ground.


We have about 30-40 in the Amber Army and you have about 5.


You're in the Combinded Counties League. We're in the Southern League Premier Division.


We have 3 international in our squad (Ricardo Montebello - Malta, Darrell Cox - Grenada and Brian Sealy - St Lucia). You have ZERO.

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Originally Posted By: East_Stand_Ambers
Listen rat boy!

We have 2, count that, 2 drummers (Dunc and Tommy) so stick that up your @ss.

You have a crap ground. We have a resonably good ground.

We have about 30-40 in the Amber Army and you have about 5.

You're in the Combinded Counties League. We're in the Southern League Premier Division.

We have 3 international in our squad (Ricardo Montebello - Malta, Darrell Cox - Grenada and Brian Sealy - St Lucia). You have ZERO.

Listen muppet

2 drummers means you will get drowned out more by them or are they just 2 tambourines bounce ? We have a good ground for the level the Town play at and the new stand is decent behind the goal were we sing. well your going to get 30 or 40 as you are in a higher league. So what if you have 3 internatinal anyone could play for Andorra for example and those players are part timers brille008
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Yes, we have 2 drummers but we have 30 people singing so it doesn't drown out. Where as at Reading Town you have 1 drummer with about 4 other people so it's obviously going to be quiet with little atmosphere at scours lane (which by the way is no where near as good as Theobalds Lane).


Look mate, we are very alike in the way that we both want the best for our club and we both want more fans to be attracted to our clubs.


But we both have very different styles of attracting supporters.


You would prefer to advertise around the internet and spread the word about the upcoming support at Reading Town.


Where as I would prefer to advertise in person. For example, there's 1 particular person who I know and he brings about 10 of his mates along. That for me is a big achievement - knowing that i've attracted a few more supporters and therefore spend more money at the club.


Listen, what you're doing with Reading Town is very good. But take my method above. Get your friend's friends to come and even their friends. Bring your family, bring your neighbours. Basically anyone who likes football for a cheap price.


If the Reading Town board has a brain then they would advertise. Give someone

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Originally Posted By: East_Stand_Ambers

Yes, we have 2 drummers but we have 30 people singing so it doesn't drown out. Where as at Reading Town you have 1 drummer with about 4 other people so it's obviously going to be quiet with little atmosphere at scours lane (which by the way is no where near as good as Theobalds Lane).

Look mate, we are very alike in the way that we both want the best for our club and we both want more fans to be attracted to our clubs.

But we both have very different styles of attracting supporters.

You would prefer to advertise around the internet and spread the word about the upcoming support at Reading Town.

Where as I would prefer to advertise in person. For example, there's 1 particular person who I know and he brings about 10 of his mates along. That for me is a big achievement - knowing that i've attracted a few more supporters and therefore spend more money at the club.

Listen, what you're doing with Reading Town is very good. But take my method above. Get your friend's friends to come and even their friends. Bring your family, bring your neighbours. Basically anyone who likes football for a cheap price.

If the Reading Town board has a brain then they would advertise. Give someone
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