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British v US politics

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The recent events in California have (ever so slightly) improved my view of politics in this country. At least getting into power is not about how much money you have or how bigger star you have. How on earth can a man like Arnie really become governer of California. Yes, he is a member of the republican party but to my knowledge he has no real grasp of real politics, economics, health etc. After all with his money he can just get what he wants.


The electorate out there also crack me up for voting him in in the first place!

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He's not exactly intelligent !


I MEAN ! Who in their right mind makes comments about Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's when they were born where he was.


I ask you........................

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I tend to disagree Mr H...after all Reagan was a good President...bit fortunate that he had our Iron Lady to make all his decisions for him...even so...he 'acted' the part well....all politicians are bad actors...nothing else...it therefore makes sense that 'real' actors make better politicians than 'real' politicians...


Arnie will end up in the white house...stone cold certainty....


any nominations for PM...??... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />



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I hear what you say Unc but normal individuals with a normal amount of money just cannot rise to the top in US politics because there is no limit on the amount of money that a candidate can spend in his/hers campaign. In the UK there are strict controls on what can be spent.


Also, Arnie can never become president because he is not American and it is written in their constitution that only an American by birth can become president.

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Anyway, he's an honourary East Londoner, having lived here with Wag Bennett's family for a few years! It was under Wag's direction that he won his first Mr Universe title.


Mr. Happy, I know what you mean...but don't forget that money dictates whether you can enter politics in this country too, viz the deposit system, which I think is wholly unfair.

Although there are limits upon how much a party may expend on election campaigns, do you really think they are observed?

Personally, I believe the way forward is independent politics, not Party politics. Nevertheless, the cliche "No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in" is true. Think about it! It's the bureaucracy that manages countries in the West, and they are unelected! The "governing" parties are merely an "administration" of the bureaucratic machine, they don't actually control it. [Tail wagging dog etc etc]

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I am not saying that our political system is perfect but money is not the be all and end all of whether you can enter this arena. However, there has to be a deposit system or individuals intent on just mucking around and not taking such an important subject seriously can waste considerable time and tax payers' money. On the whole I do think that the limits of spending to promote an election campaign are stuck to although, I accept that this is not always the case.


With regards to party politics, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I would like to see every MP sit as an independent and elected by their constituency on the basis of their political views and not those of a party machine.

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I agree...you agree..but why is everybody else so obsessed with Party politics?

Do your best to promote "independence" fella. In the end we'll get rid of those career politicians who sacrifice the opinions and needs of their constituents in favour of toeing the Party line.

Democracy? It's not democracy in terms of its truest sense [i.e. Plato's distinction of it being "rule by the many"].

Representitive Democracy? My ar5e! We're not being represented either!

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