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Right about the Canvey Game.... URCHIN BOY if you behaved at a premiership match the way you behaved at the Canvey game a elbow to the face you would be praying for because the stewards and the police and the rivals fans that you and your SCHOOLmates decided to abuse would have give you a lot worse. As for another fan dont no his name but has a bald head doesnt really narrow it down i no it was a disgrace in the way he conducted himself you want to be holligans set up a firm and arrange stuff like MEN not BOYS instead of picking on scarfers who are there for the match a beer and burger becuase im sure teams like canvey aveley tilbury who you enjoying calling pikeys im sure they run u and your silly mates all the way back to your posh hornchurch homes crying to mummy and daddy please go to the league with your complaint i think they will thank you for brighting up there week Hornchurch FC could do without people like you and your mates do yourself a favour before you mouth off to the wrong people and keep it stum next season

By the way Well win the confrence south next year!

See YA <img src="/images/graemlins/afro.gif" alt="" />

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Erm ...


We Didn't Do Nothing Wrong At Canvey.


So Your Saying They're Allowed To Elbow Me In The Face ?


We Didn't Abuse Nobody !


I Think Your Talking About Steve ! Who Was Pushed Around In The Bar By Four Or Five Canvey Supporters. He Was Just Sticking Up For Himself !


Do We Want To Be Hooligans ? Nah Mate !


Isit Me Or Do You Chat Rubbish !


How Long Have You Been Going Over Hornchurch Then ?



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I wasn't at the Canvey game, so I can't comment.


But I was at the game against Maidenhead, & thought the abuse their supporters got was bang out of order. Fair play to them, they dressed up & came in a party mood to support their team.


There is banter, which is amusing, & I'll laugh at that with everyone else, & there is abuse, which is frankly embarrassing.


And there's a difference between banter & abuse, & I think most people know where to draw the line.


I have to say that this is not what you'd want to end a season 10 years after Hillsborough.



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Profuse apologies to everyone.


Hillsborough was 15 years ago.


I think the point remains valid though, although perhaps some of the younger supporters aren't aware of the relevence of this tragic event, & it's impact on unifying football supporters at the time.


And hopefully since.

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I'm principally interested in what happens inside the stadium at Hornchurch.


When Canvey came here I had a chat with a few of them, they gave me personally some good natured stick, which I took on the chin, & applauded them for - on this forum - because it had wit to it - not abuse.



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Likewise Global, I didn't go Canvey, opted to go to the 'Appy 'Ammers instead. I obviously don't know what went on over there, other than what I've read on here, so I don't know who is to blame, all I will say though are those Canvey lot are not strangers when it comes to causing or being involved in trouble. At their FA Cup against Southend they smashed windows out of the Southend supporters coaches and I also heard there was trouble when Aldershot visited there last season. However, I'm not defending the actions of the kids or Chav's or whoever they may be who caused trouble, whilst supposedly supporting or following Hornchurch. I was with a number of other fans asking the club to take action following our home match to Dagenham, when a firework was thrown onto the running track and at the Bedford home game when the kids started playing up. I'm not sure whether the kids involved in those problems are the same ones that go and stand on the Eastside Terrace, but during the games that I have stood near them, they seem a bit trappy yes, but other than that haven't caused any major problems. I'm all for a bit of banter, but there is a line and unfortunately, it seems to have been crossed. The problems on Saturday, whilst maybe deserving some attention, should not blur the fact that Hornchurch FC have participated in more than 50 games this year, all of which have passed off without incident, including 2 FA Cup games against football league opposition. Like I say, I didn’t go so I’m not really in a position to comment or criticize, all I will say however, is that I didn’t much fancy going to Canvey as I knew full well their supporters would be lording it up and giving it the large’un, over winning the league and getting to the Trophy final. It’s taken them over 10 years to get to that position, it will take us less than half of that time!!!


UB and The Chav’s, do yourselves a favour and let it be now, its gone, end of story, next season we will have bigger fish to fry!


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To be honest the trouble at Aldershot was solely down to a section of their support. At Southend unfortunately the problems occured outside the ground and were the responsibility of several local bad lads (and let's face it there are a load of little shits that live on the Island) who are not Canvey supporters and never likely to be.


I remember coming on this forum just over a year ago after you lost to Aveley and remember reading a section of the kids were causing trouble then. So it seems to be a long time problem.


Unfortunately you get it at most clubs now because let's face it, it is a problem in our society now. You're not the only ones to get this.

I remember going to Dagenham a few years ago and have kids of no more than 8 or 9 throwing bottles and generally being abusive to a group of Canvey fans including myself waiting for an underground train.


You've not got a hooligan problem but it is something that needs to be sorted out.


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I also wasn't there. However, what I will say and I have said before is there seems to be an increasing amount of Chavs in the ground that seem to have little respect for anything or indeed anyone.


This is a sign of the times unfortunately. These are probably the same kids that stand drinking on street corners and abuse elderly passers buy, all very brave of course when they are in their little mouthy groups. I myself am sick of these little pricks and they along with other elements that are not relavent to this discussion are turning this country into a [***!!***] hole. These little bratts need a damn good slapping but of course that is not possible in these "PC" world, just a clip round the ear would land you in court. Anyway, I am rambling. My point is that these little Chavs have no sense of right and wrong and really do not know where to draw the line between good humour and out and out abuse. My fear is that when we look at these young wretches they are this countries future, god help us!


When I was young I done many things that I am not proud of. However, I was always taught to respect my elders and also had drummed into me simple manners. Some of these kids these days don't even have basic manners and struggle to communicate unless its with one of their fellow Chavs.


Sad state of affairs that will only get worse.


By the way UB I am in no way applying this to you as you normally seem like a nice young Chap. I am referring however to some of the other scumbags that seem to be coming onto the Terrace these days.

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Being On The Platform With A Bunch Of Dagenham Fan's Isn't The Brightest Thing To Do ! <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


I Remember When I Went To Dagenham V Yeovil Last Game Of The Season And Dagenham Got Stuffed 5-0 I Think ! I Went To Get A Train Home And I Saw These Two Yeovil Supporters In Shirts With A Gang Of Dagenham Supporters Around Them !

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I agree with you Digger, we were promised that the "Kids" would all be stuck in a part of the ground and kept a close eye on. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if the Chavs misbehave, sling the fukers out, no if or buts, march the little shtbags to the gate by the scruff of the necks. And it doesn't wash with me the old nonsense that a few of them come out with "its nothing to do with me"!! Their your mates, either you sort them out, or you stand so far away from them that you couldn't possibly get tarred with the same brush!

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This was for the Essex Senior Cup Final a few years ago at their place and OK there were a few tossers there but the atmosphere was generally good.


Agree with Bigchin. The type of people he talked about were the ones who hurled a brick through the window of the Southend coach and thus give Canvey FC a bad name.

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Agree BC, it’s a sad reflection of society in general. On Friday evening I was in Upminster town centre and the place was simply crawling with Chav's, swigging cheap cider and beer from cans and generally being scum. Now, Upminster is far from being a nasty run down council estate, where the antics of the Chav's would be less surprising to witness, so it just goes to show what the country is slipping to.


Unfortunately Yellow Army, what has happened to us and yourselves isn't new. Teams with a decent support, such as our clubs enjoy are often hijacked by people who fancy themselves as some sort of firm. I recall when Romford FC reformed, they experienced similar problems. I haven't missed that many Hornchurch games over the past few years and can honestly say that there hasn't been much trouble. In well over 120 games you could count the trouble on one hand. One thing I am certain of, is that the problem could be so easily resolved, simply by banning the troublemakers!


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