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Solicitors acting for our Project Team report today that negotiations continue with all parties to secure a workable document that will be acceptable to Thanet District Council, thus allowing our new stadium proposals to go ahead.


Whilst matters surrounding the working document appear positive, the next few days will be critical to all parties involved and the Club will update this report as soon as further information is available.


The Directors would like to give special thanks to the supporters for their attendance on Saturday, there seemed to be a great feeling of togetherness and a genuine passion from everyone including the players to ensure survival.


Thank you to you all, it is days like that which make it all worthwhile.

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Agree with MFC statement about togetherness. It felt good to be part of a band of supporters who made a fantastic unified effort to support the team, even after we went one down against the run of play. I felt despair, then hope as we drew level, then ecstasy as we scored the winner. (Silly old fool, I jumped in the air and ruptured a leg muscle).


Good to see CK chatting to supporters before the game. I managed a positive few words with him myself and I am sure that he will not leave if all goes well during the next few days.


Perhaps we can draw some optimism from the events of the game. Despair, hope then ecstasy.

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Since we all got together to try and help the club it has felt like a big family. It makes going to all the matches that much more of a pleasure, especially when all the directors, club officials, manager and players take the time and trouble to chat with us.

It is this togetherness that makes this club so very special, but I, too, felt it particularly on Saturday.


It would be a bitter thing indeed to lose this, which is why we must keep solidly behind the club.

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many thurock fans wished the team and the club well on sat both before the game and after especially after. The well done mate seemed to have a double edge to it meaning game and ground.I especially noticed the edge to the support no songs of a derogatory nature or anthuny aimed a their small support. Good old fashioned chanting singing and wooping when we scored. This is in marked contrast to the idiot (singular) who abused CK at Welling. We have a renewed strength especially since the demonstration. Well done fans keep it up.Where is BODYFORM?????????/ <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/achso.gif" alt="" />

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Does anyone on here have a final day for the council to say yes or no to HDP redevelopment?

CK has now publically stated that he would be interested in the Fleet job, but it appears the board want to appoint before 12th Feb - Carlisle away.

I reckon CK is loyal enough to Margit not to make a firm commitment until he knows your fate or the council decision.

Tough decisions for him either way, does he return to the club he started his career with? Does he goe full time and quit teaching?

Does he stay with you, the club he loves?

Who would be a manager!!

Good luck with the Council.

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final day is the 10th isnt it?

The 10th is not the FINAL day, its the FIRST day of a new future for the club and its return to HDP!!

Bit out of context , eh, Ian.
My actual quote was
"Does anyone on here have a final day for the council to say yes or no to HDP redevelopment"?
At no time did I say or even imply it was Margit's last day.
Bye the bye, I still wish you good luck on the 10th.
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