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Kingstonian 1-3 Billericay

Simon BTFC

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Good win today, with everything seemingly going against us - cretinous refereeing decisions, time wasting throughout from the oppo, tarts falling over and pretending to be injured etc etc.


We fell behind early doors when Macca failed to deal with a high cross and Phil Ruggles capitalised. Created plenty of chances but couldn't stick em away, with Nathan and Dorms missing the best 2.


Straight after half time Kingstonian defender punches away a corner right in frot of the lino but apparently thats ok if you're bottom... Finally get a deserved equaliser when Nathan squeezes a shot in from a very tight angle past the onrushing keeper. Take the lead when Gary Henty gets forward well and fires in a belter of a shot that screams past the keeper from all of 25 yards. Nathan gets another and Hunter hits the post as Ks give up.

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Come on lads sing up, remember how good Exeter was? Every week we want that. I was singing in front of my computer watching the scores roll in <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

On the subject of support i was a little disappointed that only about 4 people congratulated the team on this forum after last Saturday, lets have some more messages this time

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I think the team deserve some big celebration after yesterday's game. They never gave up and kept on plugging away until the final whistle, despite a ref who was so one sided I wouldn't have been surprised if he was wearing a K's shirt underneath his one and absolutley amazing time wasting and cheating tactics by the oppo, the worst I have seen. So bad, that I have to say, Boretree are not even in their league.


The goals were out of the top drawer. TC has given his description of them and what is there to add to that. From quality, through magnificent and then finishing with the clinical. And the celebrations, especially for Gary Hentey's were a joy!!! Especially with Leon's fist punching the air and Gary's "get in there!!!". The true, fight to last spirit of the team, came out yesterday and a big well done to the team is in order.


I would also mention that praise should also be given to Justin and Matt for making the right change in the second half and putting Ross on the field thus giving us three strikers up front.


As for the support, we were just as frustrated as the players with the way the game was going, being bossed by a prat of a ref and the obvious cheating by the K's. But I tell ya, we know how to celebrate a goal!!!


Nathan Elder, Gary Henty <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bow.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bow.gif" alt="" /> The rest of the team <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/applaus.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/applaus.gif" alt="" />

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A triumph for our lads determination and stamina today. It really looked like being "one of those days" as chance after chance went begging after we again gave away an early goal. Two fine finishes from Nathan and a magnificent effort from Henty reminiscent of his wind assisted effort against Bishops Stortford last year (only better). The whole team did well today and that includes the management who 1) Kept Nathan on the pitch when a few of us would have replaced him at half time and 2) Sticking Ross on, going three up top, a move which won the game for us.


Although I have a good degree of sympathy for the K's fans, any I had for their team was quickly eroded by some scandalous time wasting tactics. They must have had the trainer on ten times during the game, of which at least three involved players going down no more than 2 yards from the touchline and their greasy keeper took the ball to the opposite side of the 6 box on every goal kick. I have to say I'm so pleased they got jack from this game. Blx to the lot of 'em.


I am also pleased we won as noone can say my comments about the ref are sour grapes. Mr Hapless from Kingston was wholly inadequate in every aspect of the game and how he ever came to be refereeing at this level is a mystery that Arthur C Clarke couldn't explain. Every decision went their way (including the mysterious free kick which led to their goal), he allowed the K's to take the piss out of him and failed to give one of the clearest penalties you will ever see.


The away support seemed to be making plenty of noise to me. Must be the shabby acoustics in the Directors Box TC :-)


An excellent and deserved win..Let's keep it up..

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I think the referring performance can be summed up by the fact that the Kingstonian supporters were slagging him off as well. The weak performance of the lino was something to behold as well when a Kingstonian wall was about five yards back but he did nothing about it and the ref could not be a**ed to trot over from the other side of the penalty area to get them back.


Interesting point was that the bloke who was sent off from the dugout (I presume he was assistant manager) was done so for calling the ref a cheat, however a couple of minutes before he had told the lino to f**k off and the ref did nothing. What would you rather be called?

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/argue.gif" alt="" />

The goals were certainly worth waiting for, the first two excellent finishes and the third after a brave flick on from Ross.


Well done lads roll on Tuesday (lets try not to give an early goal away this time though!)

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Interesting point was that the bloke who was sent off from the dugout (I presume he was assistant manager) was done so for calling the ref a cheat, however a couple of minutes before he had told the lino to f**k off and the ref did nothing. What would you rather be called?
<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/argue.gif" alt="" />

Somebody once told me there are 2 names you don't call the ref, both beginning with C, and both guaranteed to get a red card. One is obviously unprintable, the other is cheat.
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Team showed great character yesterday when it could easily have been one of those days. When we scored the second they seemed to forget about the time wasing, funny isn't it !!!


I think the story by the end of the season will be Gary Henty scored from the halfway line.


I thought the number of fans was down on the usual away support - there again it a sh*tty place to get to and we never seem very welcome. It lacked the singing but there was plenty of vocal support. The voice is just coming back.

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Apologies for my criticism of the vocal support, after all i wasnt there was i? But sadly i only have the words of others to go on.

As for the team, the hard work and the spirit are two of the best things about this side, and it sounds like they shone through yesterday, so a huge well done.

Heres to two more wins at fort New Lodge, and second place by Saturday Evening <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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In the past 2 seasons going to K's we have never got a win..But interestingly did you notice that the prior 2 games we have played at their place we had always started the first half kicking toward the covered end....This time we switched at kick off..So, hats off for the tactical switch !!! - In terms of footballing ability there was only one team at the races on Sat..But such is football that K's took the lead...What impressed me (perhaps) more than the win!! - Was simply the players desire to drag themselves back...Oh and as for Mr Henty's goal...well !! - Unsung hero for me on Saturday was Leon,WELL DONE...Good to see the Norwegian supporters over too..

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Perhaps not the most fluent display, but hardly suprising giving the spoiling tactics of the opposition. That said, the work rate never faltered and the perseverance and the way the team supported each other was superb.

I thought the support was on good form too. OK, no singing (we were a tad preoccupied with the K's deplorable antics and the most inept refereeing display I've seen this year),

but I'm sure that the continuous encouragement and positive voices filtered through to the players. Enjoyed being booed by the kindergarten too!

Now that ref... 'Right lads, free kick, could you possibly see your way to moving back ten yards? What's that, you can't be ars*d? Oh all right, as you are'


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