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Curious - Ground-share.

Mark (Flag) Braintree

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How does it work, regarding the day to day running of matters, I take it you both (Windsor and Slough) have your own clubshop, can't remember seeing either, or does EMMA just use the same hut as WOODY, (sorry i did not visit the W&E shop)do you have the same bar staff or do the Windsor and Slough employ separate people and I asume you share groundsman, what about caterers, Burger men, do you have your own, I know this has nothing to do with me, just curious, guess it is the same for Chelmsord and Ricay and Edgeware and the Stones.


Remember when we went to Kingstonian last year, they pack up all the K's bits from the clubhouse and then the AFC bring their bits in.



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Basically Windsor take car of everything apart from the shops and turnstiles.


Slough operate the turnstiles for their games and run their own shop in a different hut to ours.


The bar staff are all Windsors as are the tea hut staff, the groundsman and cleaning staff.


It all comes down to the individual clubs.

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That is it in a nut shell. But without wishing to dredge up an old argument - the Slough supporters will often help out around the ground with odd jobs such as helping repair damaged fencing etc. Everyone has to muck in at this level.


Basically for Slough games the only money the STFC makes is from the shop and turnstile. The bar and tea hut takings go to Windsor, understandably.

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I hope I have not caused problems Martin by asking the question, just wondered how it happened in practise, if Mal or anyone want's to delete thread that is their choice, I got an answer to what i wanted to know.


Thank you both for your replys.


Enjoyed my games with Iron v Slough home and away, Iron v Windsor away, and look forward to Windsor visiting us in March.

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