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In the non league paper it states that John has left the club to play in America,see the Rocky Baptiste dream team page 14 of this weeks issue,i had hope that we could keep him,need to replace him that wont be easy.

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Looks pretty conclusive that JK has gone.


Thanks for the memories and best wishes.


His sadness post the Havant game will live a long time.


Only Jk and Sam Sodge from Margate in Rocky's dream team then.Thought Jay would have made it

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Looking at the article, he may just have been misquoted.

We are entering the season of rumour mill, but I do not want to contemplate any loss until there is official confirmation.

Let's hope CK has some positives for us on Wednesday, but the most positive so far is that we still have CK.

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No surprise to hear he has left. It would be demoralising for a current international footballer to be plying his trade in the Ryman league. Best wishes to him, he gave his all in the blue and white and will be remembered as one of the Gate legends by me. You can see how much last season hurt by his reaction after many games. My highlights of his gate career; his "battle" with Nick Roddis in the heady days of the conference when CK had to escort him off the pitch and the two wonder strikes at Thurrock in the GLS cup last year.

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I'd wait until there is official confirmation if I were you. The NLP is notorious. One of Halifax's websites made up a jokey story about Lego being their new sponsor (a dig at their half-built ground), and the NLP printed it without checking with anyone that it was a hoax...

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Really hope this is crap JK was Mr Margate Fc for a large part of the season would be a shame if he left now when we finaly get back home.

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i have to say it would not surprise me at all and i wish JK all the best in the future and was a great asset to MFC and if rumours are true then he will be sorely missed what a fantastic addition to the squad allways gave 100%


GATEFORTEHWIN! i saw you on sunday bout 5.30 sitting on steps of old casino in margate yapping was trying to get your attention as was in car but you looked so engrossed in your conversation(proberbly about eastenders or rubberdubbers or something! lol)

hope your ok my friend i kinda miss all my footy buddies hopefully you will all be there on wednesday night!!

see you all there!

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lol was skiving of work the resturant was a tad quiet so we were trying to check out the local skirt.


And roll on next season thats for sure god saturday's are boring with out the footy . <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bawling.gif" alt="" />

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If Keister is playing in the US we must have let his registration go.


Do you remember Gareth ? a slightly podgy red head who came to us from Woking? He was deregistered to go to Norway/Scandanavia and when he vcame back was not re registered.


The above does not mean that JK would not be worth having back.

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Do a search on the net and you'll see that JK is coaching in Ohio at the moment, seems to be there for June but I reckon he'll be back in July. A search combining JK's name with "Chester" will also turn up something interesting...

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Well is he or isn't he going to be playing for us? Yet another example of annoying lack of communication and confusion from the club. We'd better register and sign some players soon or we'll have a ground but no team! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" />

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Hardly another example of lack of communication. CK has just returned from holiday this week and JK is currently in America and the club have not been in contact. What it does indicate is another Anon posting negative comments.

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