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Iron in trouble

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Are you discussing or speculating? The latter seems to be ruling here. AFF has published a council article then put his own interpretation to it, just how he might have proceeded personally with a planning application of this nature is quite irrelevent. I'm quite confident Braintree Council will be doing a thorough debate on all aspects of the planning application and they are required to do that, then of course all development applications have to be advertised in local papers and elsewhere. So don't concern yourselves with feeling compelled to debate things here, its already out there in the public domain.


My good friend and Braintree supporter Coun. Doug Rice would also have plenty to say if anything un-toward was being proposed. I'm sure AFF's input on this or any other football forum will have very little bearing on the due processes but I can see that some might be be entertained by the ideas being put around, more-over whenever I see a posting that resorts to name-calling I immediately take anything else uttered by that individual with a grain of salt.


The best place to get answers concerning a proposed development would be to write to the Council and get the info straight from the horses mouth, jabbering about it on an opposing clubs forum is not the way to go if you want facts.

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Well as this is an open fourm, all be it for Billericay Town FC, as you know, we welcome anyone who has an opinion about their own club or a subject of their choice and debate quite vigorously with little moderation.


So if AFF wishes to put his opinion about the proposed work at your ground and he doesn't insult anyone out right or posts anything that is libelous, he can continue to do so.


In my opinion, as he is moderated quite vigorously on the Braintree forum, would be an indication that either someone doesn't like what he has to say and / or that someone can't answer these questions he puts forward...

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well I do indeed recall much speculation in recent past times about the fate of ricay and the proposed move to basildon...well goodness me....whats this...?...whilst trawling thru those posts of bygone days I discover that non other than our ernest antipodean friend Oz was much posted....of course he was posting the facts and could not be accused of idle speculation....the fact that most of his posts were actually just that...mischieveous speculation... is I suppose irrelevant... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


now then.....whilst doing some research on this speculation issue I looked up a few threads from last year when our own club Hx had its difficulties...now of course no one but my goodself knew the 'facts' but that didn't stop speculation and who was involved in those speculative threads...of course...non other than our ernest non speculating antipodean friend...Oz....


good innit.... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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I was looking as well UU & TC and there was Oz...can't accuse him of delighting in Billericay's or Hx's "problems" but he was posting an opinion...


Of course, you can't accuse him of "delighting" in our issues because that'll be reading between the lines... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />


<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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You are of course talking out of your backside UU, I never had a view on Hornchurch, in fact wasn't aware of any problems there until sometime last season, then after the club was wound up would have suggested Hornchurch was an example of how a club should not be run and quite correctly to. With regards Billericay moving to Basildon, that was club policy to make that move (2002-3) and not speculation at all. I remember that era well and I definitely wasn't registered as Ozbrit on fans forum I wasn't even visiting this or any of its associated sites, so I say to Uncle whasisname you're making it up again so to quote a famous saying "put up or shut up". As a matter of interest my view at the time was the move would have been a very bad one for Billericay Football Club because sooner or later the Billericay name would have been ditched in favour of a more appropiate name representing the place they were playing out of..

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ah but Oz...you freely posted an opinion on both matters without any knowledge of the facts...you are of course entitled to do so as thats what these forums are for...


as indeed others are now posting an opinion on the braintree ground redevelopment.... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


by the way....you have made clear your view on ricays now aborted move...what would your opinion be on braintree moving to MP...?

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Well I wouldn't like the idea one bit, even if it were for a week. It doesn't appear on what is being proposed at Braintree any assistance will be required.


But supposing that scenario did come about, I think Halstead Town would be looked at first, as that ground is closer to Braintree than MP and we have supporters in that town.

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indeed you do have one or two supporters in that town...as well as a few who perhaps could be construed as....err...not quite supporters...those that have family connections to IW unless I am mistaken...


no matter...thats not our business....but the redevelopment of a ryman league ground does concern us...


just as a matter of reflection Oz...are you...in the absence of the usual holy trinity of webbo...andy and billybass...the new voice of the iron...all the way from orstralia....


good lord....can't trace the IP No's over there can we...


well done on the win today......each one keeps the hoi poloi away from the gates.... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Ozbrit said:
I definitely wasn't registered as Ozbrit on fans forum I wasn't even visiting this or any of its associated sites, so I say to Uncle whasisname you're making it up again so to quote a famous saying "put up or shut up".

Bit of a defence attitude there Oz? Why would that be old son?

Quite right, you were Iron Knob, if momory serves and living in the gool ol' UK...and you had an opinion...And used your right to air it.
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Yes Gazza I still have that registration, but haven't posted anything under that nic since mid 2002. Mainly because I'd forgotten my log in protocols and with personal matters taking priority over football didn't post on any of the fan forums till I created this tag in Mar 2004.

I think most people will get defensive when incorrect stuff is being bandied about on a public forum whether it be for malice or amusement. I note that nothing has been "put up" I take that to be a retraction.


To Mr UU the IP system is a global one. Mine is I hope that assists.

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you sound more and more like your chelmsford hero every day Oz.....and I know what your IP no is as its always freely available identifying your posts on the Isthmian forum...Iron Knob is it.... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


as for a retraction on my part..what on earth for...you are on record as having passed an opinion about Hx a year ago and you posted that opinion without any facts being available to you at all....


I have posted an opinion or two about the redevelopment of cressing road based on facts...ie the planning consent makes no provision for moving the pitch...what is incorrect about that...its a matter of public record for goodness sake....


I am sure that this ommission is merely an oversight in the grand scheme of things and that all will fit nicely when the experts have finished...but perlease Oz dear boy...do stop gulping around like a demented great white on speed and keep up with whats going on... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Crikey You do go on, I did not profess an opinion on Hornchurch just passed comment that Hornchurch was badly handled financially, It could not have been an opinion because at that stage Hornchurch FC had already been wound up That was FACT and remains it. What part of that are you having difficulty with? Do you wish to re-write history, or are you in denial?



<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angel.gif" alt="" />

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Now now Tom, is this all because you got off at the wrong Braintree station and found all the cabs were out and busy taking Prodigy fans to Towerlands equestrian centre? which of course is about as far out of Braintree as Barleylands Farm museum is from Billericay, just the sort of place where you might find these establishments for rural activities.

With regards to tomorrows match aren't you a happy man whenever ricay win?

Being an Essex derby it should be a competitive game. I'm going for the draw any guesses yourself?

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Hi Ozbrit.


It's taken a while to plough through that lot since my modest contribution on Friday, but you appear to be in some confusion concerning certain 'facts' and certain 'opinions', Cobber. Permit me to assist.


Your Chairman has obtained Outline Planning Permission for the construction of 40 flats at Cressing Road. That development will require the demolition of the clubhouse and will stand on part of the existing ptich. That is a fact.


The planning application included no details of any relocation of the pitch, or the construction of a new clubhouse. That, too, is a fact.


Buzz Lightyear announced in the usaual blaze of self publicity that a second application was to be made to the Local Authority for the relocation of the pitch and a new clubhouse in November. That is a fact. In fairness to Fatboy, he didn't actually state whether the application would be made in November 2005 or 6 or 7....


It is now December, 2005 and no second application has been made. Fact.


I suggested that, based on very little knowledge on my part, that a development site for 40 flats at Cressing Road might have a value of the order of £1.3- 1.5 million pounds. That is not a fact, just an hypothesis, or an opinion, if you like.


So Cobber. How are things in the clubhouse? Is there much debate concerning the appearance, design and range of new facitities to be provided at the new clubhouse. Single storey or on two floors? I expect that there's a series of display boards with sketch elvations and plans etc. Have details of funding been outlined? Initiatives like 'Buy a brick for a fiver', Personalised wall tiles in the WCs for a pound? That sort of thing?


Changing the subject altogether, do you know who Tony Lazarou is, Oz?

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