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Any budding report writers for Fleet vs Margate?


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June I truly hope you will continue coming to the games as I am know there are plenty of people at the ground who enjoying seeing & talking to both Graham and you. In wouldnt be the same if we didnt have the Margate, Wingham banner hanging up would it! I am hoping the people who have personally criticised you will have the courage to aplogise, as Cookie has done and well done to him for doing so. In my book keep up the good work!

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Nothing should prevent someone from watching & supporting their beloved team in action. No amount of ribbing,disagreeing,banter,mocking,or even at times silly threats should be a reason to not put in an appearance,and it wont.

Sometimes I feel that way too June believe it or not.Knowing that I am not just a name behind a posting & am real in life approachable & recognisable,the same as you & others who post & go to games,yet having endured one or some of the above at certain times,whether they were warranted or not has not & will not prevent me from going along to see our team on the day.

We just have to try & brush it aside as best we can & do as Chris Kinnear so rightly said on many occasions "We just have to get on with it". Maybe he should have also said "We shall just have to put up with it" to.

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Ok, well in this spirit of truth and reconciliation I confess to having doubted MF's impartiality in the past on the subject of a particular player. For that I apologise.


When we lose, and play badly (all of the last two seasons for example) it is inevitable that fans will have different opinions as to what went wrong. Many a time I have read post-match threads and wondered if I was watching the same game.


Criticism of the players is fair if we think they did badly. Sportsmen are paid entertainers after all. Let's face it if any of them make it to the top flight they are going to be reading far worse in the tabloids.


Criticism of fellow fans however is something perhaps we should try harder to avoid on this forum. There's a world of difference between 'so-and-so played badly - I can't see how you rate him so highly' and 'so-and-so played badly - you are an idiot for saying otherwise'.


I am sure everyone is gutted to read some of the thoughts above by loyal fans whose enjoyment has been lessened by criticism of their opinions.


Flame wars break out on most message boards from time to time, but perhaps if we all re-read our posts before clicking 'continue' we can make ours more friendly.


Let's get a good win against Wimbledon on Saturday and put all this to bed!

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Chris said: "But perhaps if we all re-read our posts before clicking 'continue' we can make ours more friendly". Funnily enough I have done that very thing on occasions lately Chris & deleted when appropiate. Is that cowardly...no, I think its being sensible. A good point made Chris. Sometimes because it didnt look right or sound right.I know it shouldnt be the way to have to amend something but on a forum sometimes things are taken out of context & lets face it how many of us are actually laughing at the time of posting yet others cant see it.

Now WHERE were you last night & Coffin Ender come to think of it (I'm laughing).

Sorry but my curiosity niggles at me I'm afraid.

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I know, you guys are right.

Heaven forfend we become all namby pamby and pc, because I like a good discussion, and an argument put well by opposing sides is an intellectual treat.

As you all know, I am not a great lover of a slagfest, however.

But sometimes things we think are perfectly innocuous, or humerous, can offend others, and I am probably as guilty of that as anyone. I guess it is because it is bald text, and we lose the context without verbal or body-language signals.


A good win against afc would probably put a bit of healing balm over all of this (no pressure, Trotty!).


Come on you Blues!

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