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Times article Yesterday


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Martin Deaner was on the phone to me this morning...


Not very happy as you can imagine, with the article written by a reporter that be friended the club and then wrote this article which in all tense and purposes serves the aims of some , who will say told you so !


But please don't forget why Slough are still playing at the moment and who has put all the money to keep a football team playing here ! FOR ALL WHAT YOU MAY THINK !

Still maybe have a way to succeed with some plans for our future....unless we can get people intrested and support Martin Deaner.......the eneviatable will happen.


All what people have been saying (he will work away) you don't have to have a crystal ball to work that out.......but those who have a go , don't have any answer either....


I have spoken with Jon Davis of the council this morning and a meeting with Martin Deaner had already been set for next Tuesday .....They are still onboard to see what can be done along with Martin Deaner.


I fact Jon Davis has been ill for about 2 months and has been unable to meet MD before next week.


STSA have spoken openly with MD about STSA having a contigency plan if all fails...Well we have been puting ideas around , but our plans may just not help , because I am afraid Money will be our short fall.....and not enough real interest in our club from the Town resident.


So a mountain to climb , unless you have some ideas...or

see what MD can do....


Regards Chris Sliski

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Rebel 666


and what was your idea's ......and more importantly will you be there to be counted when the problems start all over again...


Chris Sliski <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />



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Rebel 666, you continually post on here anti-Deaner statements which is fair enough. No problems with that, as I think a lot of people are far from backing him, but you continually fail to provide a solution.


Until somebody or something else comes forward publically to support the team, where's our alternative?


I've even asked you to email me to continue this discussion privately and see what ideas we can come up with, but you chose to ignore this? So publically, where's your solution?

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Tks Gary


true instead of seeing me as pro Deaner.....lets get everyone together...ready....if......


We need constructive ideas and people who will be around to raise the Titanic......and who will be prepared to standby with help and money !


up the Rebels......



cheers Chris <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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THIS IS WHAT WAS IN THE TIMES if you dont already know




SLOUGH Town know that to find their way back into the elite of non-league teams will come at a hefty price. Unconfirmed reports that the club has yet to sign a new 11-year lease with Mayfair Communications, its landlords, is one area still causing concern among Slough’s supporters, many of whom are insinuating that Martyn Deaner, the chairman, is simply trying to buy time having hoodwinked them into believing that the shenanigans surrounding the future of the club had been resolved.


Lavish proposals put forward by Deaner’s business consortium to relocate the troubled Ryman League first division north club from their Wexham Road ground to an adjacent site would have set new standards for clubs outside the Football League. But with construction costs alone for the sport and leisure complex estimated to be in excess of £15 million, it was proving to be a costly affair.


Designed by Arup Associates, the architects for the Commonwealth Games Stadium in Manchester, the Slough project was seen by many to be a lot more than the average non-league football ground, encompassing an array of additional accommodation and on-site office facilities. Yet, with many local residents disillusioned by the scale for development, Deaner promptly squashed his proposals in November after negative feedback from a number of open consultation meetings.


With South Bucks district council having already permitted the redevelopment of Wexham Road with the previous club owners for a 6,000-capacity stadium, Deaner, whose company Frus Ltd finances the club, could choose to utilise the additional acreage on the south side of the ground for his third-party revenue streams, despite it being designated as land for education purposes.


Time is running out for Slough, with the Ryman League requiring a minimum seven-year lease to comply with its code for membership.










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Another interesting thing about FRUS Ltd - All companies are legally required to file their accounts with Companies House by a specific date in the year following their official accounting year end, otherwise they get fined. Private Limited companies must file accounts within twenty-two months of incorporation and subsequently within 10 months of their financial year end. Late payment results in automatic penalties on a scale which is £1000 for being 12 months late. I keep checking FRUS Ltd on the Companies House Website, and they have no accounts posted later than 30th June 1999, which were for a "small" company. (For a "small" company see below!)


Why aren't they doing so and why for so long? On that basis FRUS already owe a few grand.... How long before the authorities get fed up, how long before Ryman rules are breached?



A small company is one that meets at least two of the following three criteria:-

annual turnover must not be more £2,800,000:

the balance sheet total must not exceed £ 1,400,000:

the average number of employees must not be more than 50.

Small companies must deliver the following filings to Companies House:

Abbreviated balance sheet and notes

Special auditors report (if required).

The filing period is exactly the same as for a full set of accounts.



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