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Todays game

chris blanc

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totally agree,great to see che back to his best,will he still be on transfer list? Is it just me(and bernard) or did the ref look like a cross between barry chuckle and one of the 7 dwarfs?what were the police doing?are we millwall in disguise-very good. Seriously though,we've not caused any trouble and the "SEF" dont seem to be making their presence known to much. 7 points out of possible 9,very good.

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Thoroughly enjoyable game today, even allowing for how bitterly cold it was !

IMHO we look a much more co-ordinated unit now. Almost everyone played well today, but particularly great to see Che have such a good game and I think he was unlucky not to get a third - their keeper pulled off some very good saves.

Also thought Tos looked very sharp when he came on.


To round it all off, other results did us a few favours as well.


7 pts from 9 !!!!



STAYING UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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we're on the up;

--- home --- --- away ---

Pld W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts




1. yeovil town 31 11 4 0 36 10 8 5 3 32 20 38 66

2. chester city 30 6 5 4 27 17 9 5 1 19 4 25 55

3. halifax town 31 10 3 3 26 19 6 4 5 14 16 5 55

4. doncaster rovers 29 8 5 2 19 9 7 4 3 30 22 18 54

5. hereford united 31 7 4 4 24 12 9 2 5 24 19 17 54

6. morecambe 30 11 2 1 32 7 3 5 8 19 23 21 49

7. dagenham and redbridge 29 8 4 3 29 17 6 3 5 21 23 10 49

8. scarborough 30 9 3 4 30 20 3 7 4 15 16 9 46

9. forest green rovers 31 8 2 5 24 22 4 3 9 16 26 -8 41

10. northwich victoria 31 3 4 8 17 26 7 5 4 37 30 -2 39

11. margate 30 5 7 3 24 19 5 2 8 22 30 -3 39

12. barnet 31 6 3 6 24 22 4 6 6 26 32 -4 39

13. southport 29 5 8 3 26 20 4 3 6 14 19 1 38

14. telford united 30 5 1 9 14 23 6 3 6 26 24 -7 37

15. farnborough town 28 8 2 5 29 19 2 4 7 8 17 1 36

16. burton albion 31 2 6 8 17 29 7 3 5 24 27 -15 36

17. woking 30 7 2 5 22 24 3 3 10 17 40 -25 35

18. gravesend and northfleet 31 5 3 7 27 27 4 4 8 21 30 -9 34

19. nuneaton borough 31 5 4 6 20 26 3 3 10 17 29 -18 31

20. leigh rmi 30 6 3 6 20 26 3 0 12 11 30 -25 30

21. stevenage borough 28 3 4 7 18 20 3 3 8 17 20 -5 25

22. kettering town 30 4 2 9 18 26 2 4 9 10 26 -24 24





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Well done today you deserved the win. You played well and our defence and midfield were a disgrace. Thought Stadhart did really well MOTM, I thought you said he was off form!


Still exciting game and even though we lost I enjoyed it. The only thing I can complain about is being locked in which was a bit stupid IMO but tehre we go.


Good luck for the rest of the season. If you keep playing like that you'll stay up and I hope you do.



CT (Woking)


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Che probably shaded MOTM today - for once not Benno, even though the sponsors gave him MOTM!


Also a mention for Justin Skinner who I thought played some very intelligent stuff and linked up well, particularly in the first half when we were superb going forward. Gilesy looked a handful up front as well.


Only two yellow cards for fairly innocuous stuff, while their bloke, Kember, got away with five fouls scot free.

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Just returned from watching 'egg throwing' - as referred to in earlier post - on TV in local HK hostelry [don't forget we're eight hours ahead of you!] and logged on [as ever, late on a HK Saturday night] for today's result.

Three more points . . . keep this up and relegation fears will soon be a distant memory!

I'm disturbed [as those of you who remember me will testify] to see the personal abuse that's been flying on other threads . . . PLEASE, just get behind the team!

The 'easy' part was getting promoted last season against the odds . . . the hard part is saying up, but it's clearly achieveable.

For the record, I'm having to contend with the bragging of Yeovil and Hereford fans here in HK, plus a former Northwich player [who is also a Man City fan!], so come on boys, give me something to throw back at them!

Regards to all . . . particularly the Halfway Liners!

PS: Chas, I hope the Press Box facilities have improved in the years since I used to inhabit it?

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Thought Stadhart did really well MOTM, I thought you said he was off form!

Yes, but he seems to have a knack of finding his feet against you, doesn't he? <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

A superb performance by Che - two well-taken goals, a superb volley on the turn in the first half that was brilliantly saved, a header (shock horror <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />) that was also well stopped... I could go on. If putting him on the transfer list was a disguised motivational technique, it appears to have worked wonders! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I know it was only one game, but on this evidence we would be mad to sell him.

Although I single Che out as my MOTM, it was a fantastic team performance by the lads today. Surprised to see Giles up front, but he played a part in the first two goals and so it appears Andy's decision was justified.

Woking looked strong at the end of the first half and punished us after the break with the equaliser, but by the time it reached 3-2 they capitulated. The most convincing home victory since the superb wins over Scarborough and Nuneaton a few months back.

The other results were quite favourable for us today, leaving us four points above the drop zone. I know there is still a long way to go, but more performances like today's and we stand a good chance of staying up.

Bring on Telford! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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Thought both sides looked dodgy defensively today - apart from the 2 Woking scored, they could have had at least a couple more with Wilkerson making a couple of good saves, and giving us a few heart attacks as well by flapping at a couple of first half crosses.


Equally, you had to have a little sympathy for the Woking keeper, who made some blinding saves. Add to that, he was most unlucky with Benno's goal - did really well to get his hand to the ffort and it was cruel luck on him that it dropped down and spun back over the line.


If all the chances had been taken at either end, we could have mathed last weeks Burton v Telford scoreline.


Still think Woking are a much better all round side than Nuneaton, who seem unable to pick themselves up from a downward spiral. And I cant see Kettering picking up 11 more points than Woking over the rest of the season either.For me, these 2 clubs are likely to go down, and it then becomes one of many to join them. Lets hope its not us.


If we continue to attack as we did today, though, we should be safe - its amazing that, despite our struggles this season, we're still in 7th top scorers in the Conference. Mind you, Woking are the only side to have conceded more than us.


One improved aspect of our performance today was the movement off the ball - certainly you could see the increased confidence in this aspect of our play, along with the improved passing (although we still gave the ball away too easily at times).


Must agree that the policing of the game today was somewhat OTT - Dagenham brought as many as you if not more earlier in the season, and werent even segregated. Dont know though if the police had a tip off about possible trouble, or simply felt that sufficient quantities of alcohol had been drunk prior to the game to pose a potential threat??

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"Must agree that the policing of the game today was somewhat OTT . . ." Alan W


Its all very well having police in the ground but its no use if they arnt more pro-active!


In the second half there were about 10 youths behind the Wallace Park end who were making all sorts of threatening gestures. The police were monitoring the situation from a distance but that was it.


One of the youths went so far as making a "throat-slitting" gesture towards the Woking fans. Standing close by was a father and his son (about 6) who saw the incident.


How does this behaviour reflect on the club? Why does the club not have a "Zero-tolerance" attitude towards these individuals? If you want more families to attend matches then these issues need to be addressed rather than ignored.


I left the ground 10 minutes early absolutely sickened by this behaviour . . . and yes I did complain to a club official about it.


Having supported the club for 15 years I was contemplating investing some serious money in the club. After today, I'm not so sure . . .



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How does this behaviour reflect on the club? Why does the club not have a "Zero-tolerance" attitude towards these individuals? If you want more families to attend matches then these issues need to be addressed rather than ignored.

I left the ground 10 minutes early absolutely sickened by this behaviour . . . and yes I did complain to a club official about it.

Who did you speak to Jim and what did they say? If you want I can try to ensure that it is followed up properly, because you are quite right this does nothing to help the club.
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I am normally one of the first to moan about the police presence.

It costs the club and my attitude is that they should be outside the ground

(we don't have to pay for them) until called in if needed (which we then do pay for).


However, the presence was warranted today under those circumstances.

Especially the 7 or 8 of them at Northfleet station.

To be honest, most of the Woking fans actually seemed ok there

(I was at Woking and saw the unfriendly actions of some of their fans at the end).

At the end of the day, most of it was alcohol induced.

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Nuff said about the game.


The Police presence was due to the fact that a number of morons had gained entry to the ground about the time of the half time interval.


They had nothing to do with the club whatsoever and I believe that they were the same indiviuals who had been kicked out of Gillingham prior to the game against Grimsby today. (Could be wrong but my info is pretty good.) And yes they did appear to be from Wallis Park.


I saw the "throat slitting" incident and I was under the impression that the "individula/moron/thug involved was spoken to about his behaviour by the Police, one gesture like that doesn't neccessarily mean that the individual gets ejected, he has to be warned first, unless its really out of order.


Its sad but I'm afraid that the incident proved that you cannot take chances. The only shame is the fact that we cannot mix freely with like-minded fans from other clubs anymore AND we are losing the revenue they generate behind the bar!

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In fairness to the Club official concerned he felt he had the situation under control as he knew some of the unsavoury individuals and he had already warned them about their conduct.


The police did nothing however. They had clearly identified the trouble makers and yet allowed them to congregate behind the goal where many families stand.


The point is that these individuals should never have been allowed to mix with the regular fans behind the goal in the first place.


The club should look at employing a "Containment area" at the home end - maybe on the terracing along the side of the main stand.


Any rowdy fans could be hurded into this "zone" by the police and kept away from us fans who go to matches to watch football!


I'm sure Super Daz is right - in that their behaviour was down to alcohol consumption - but when its affecting the image of the club I find that unacceptable.






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Thanks Jim,


I'm afraid that I have no influence with the boys in blue. I did speak to a couple of them outside and ascertained that they had been brought up from Maidstone. So they were obviously taking something seriously.


Lets hope that the last 6 home games pass without trouble, we certainly don't want the FA on our backs about that as well.

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