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More racism from Hereford?

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Taken from Hereford's own forum

"Standing at my usual place down the meadow end i was apalled to hear the following comments made towards the end of the game when the Halifax no 22 was injured by the half way line.

These comments were not made by the same person as far as i could tell which makes it worse because it shows we STILL have a problem. All these comments were made in a 2 or 3 minuit spell.

1) Throw him a banana.

2) get back to Somalia

3) Zulu

What annoyed me was that other people laughed which i find particularly galling.Before anybody says why didn't i tackle them about it, i would have done but they were standing somewhere behind me and its difficult to pinpoint them.What sad cretins. YOU know who you are and i hope your proud of yourselves.Find someone else to support because we don't want you at Edgar St."


Let us hope our stewards and police are on the ball.

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Nice bit of [***!!***] stirring prior to saturday, hope your proud.


At least we admit we have "some" morons.Our manager GT has gone public to wipe the low life out from the club.



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On the contrary, I think your stand against racism does you immense credit. half the battle is to admit you do have (albeit a minor) problem. The only way to kick racism out of football is to expose the racists.

Personally I delight in good natured "banter" - especially against crap refs, but draw the line when it becomes personal or racist.

Lets hope for a spectacular game on saturday, may football be the winner.

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Anonymous said:
Nice bit of [***!!***] stirring prior to saturday, hope your proud.

At least we admit we have "some" morons.Our manager GT has gone public to wipe the low life out from the club.

I disagree - it is not stirring, more a warning of what some of our players might have to endure during the match. Fingers crossed they don't - they probably won't have to - morons like that don't often travel away, do they?

Very commendable that your club is making the effort to kick the racists out.
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You will not get any racist comments from Hereford fans at Saturday's game. The small number of people who make these comments would not be likely to travel out of Hereford - hence their small minded view of life. At least 200 of the HUFC fans will be like me and live in London and the South East - and the regulars are some of the biggest anti-racists there are. There were 3,000+ at HUFCs game on Saturday and though most did not hear the comments it sounds like it only came from one or two people. We hate racism at Hereford hence it is ALWAYS reported on our board just to remind people to report it.


It will be a great game of football on Saturday - and I think we will be in the mood to score quite a few goals after our dire performance last week.

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