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Double Oh Dear!!!!!!


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Originally Posted By: Localfan
local fool

If only I had your reputation.............lol

reputation...experiences...adventures...achievements and failures local fool....such a rich tapestry of life with all its rewards and tears....transparent to the extreme and yet so many secrets guarded....

you can only but dream....
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and...just to finsh the night off.....


a pearl from the soppybox...




Registered Member

Posts: 2

(1/10/07 16:33)



hes gone to leyton so that he doesnt get abuse from their 30 fans



Leyton , Billnrik ,Hornchurch , much of a muchness , small clubs , no fans.



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Originally Posted By: urchin_mentalist
most of the chaps we met at the bridge earlier in the season were good lads and lasses but with their computers they are very strange people!

it is only a few UM as TC says....I happened across local fool at our place and he was pitifully ever so humble hand wringingly obsequious.....yet behind the screen he can dish out abuse a plenty....

we as a club and as individuals have never slated other clubs...only a minority of fans....local fool is a real fool and there are one or two there that demeen their club by constantly putting down smaller clubs....

its transparent to most but reflects sadly on their club for many....
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it is only a few UM as TC says....I happened across local fool at our place and he was pitifully ever so humble hand wringingly obsequious.....yet behind the screen he can dish out abuse a plenty....


And your a liar as well.....ha ha we never met. But if it makes you feel better to deride someones MB name to abuse someone that makes you look a bigger fool then me.....your the one with the reputation Unstable Urchin...... laugh

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Dear me...people calling other people liars...strong stuff...


and from experience, certain Chelmsford supporters have the reputation of maskerading as others (or as some non exisitant supporter) for fear of being confronted, all in the name of what they call "humour"...


As much as we like people to air their views on this forum and anyone is welcome, I believe this thread has run it's course. I believe many of the Billericay supporters have read this with much amusment but some of our more intelligent supporters would like to see an end of this...for want of a better word, discussion. BC may boast that this is keeping our forum lively but what started out as some quite amusing "banter" (???) is now just becoming mud slinging...


May I suggest that if people wish to continue they should


a) Take it up on either their own forums

B) Agree to meet over a beer and continue, face to face (UU, I know you'll have no problem with that)

c) Start another thread under the title "Toys - Who Can Throw Them The Furthest. Chelmsford or AFC Hornchurch?" (Can we run a book on this TC and what odds would you give on Chelmsford?).


If none of these options are acceptable...tough. As one of the moderators of this forum I choose.....


For reference, I am locking this thread.



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