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Actually - fk it.


Has this country lost its sense of humour or what?


We used to be able to laugh in the face of adversity.


What happened to the Dunkirk spirit? These days everyone wants to wallow in the world's misery.


Every fking week there's a minute's silence before a match for somebody or another, and I'm sick of it. There were silences three matches running at Tottenham for the victims of the giant wave. How the fk is that going to help the poor sods who've lost members of their families?


I demand SKY re-instate Rodney Marsh now, and I'll email them to say so.


And Ron Atkinson.

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i can barely bring myself to type it but here goes..

david beckham was gonna join newcastle but refused after he heard the toon army trashed asia...

like all good jokes it was doing the rounds about 3 minutes after the event..

i belive boon did nicjk that record by 1 tinny.. i think he and merv hughes went for it and hughes fell by the wayside.. well the aisle

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Great to see Thornsy getting in on the act too. He left this little gem on the Conference South forum and upset the scarfers!!...


"Well I keep sending cash to the tsunami and they are still rubbish!"




Actually, didn't he tell us before Christmas that this station was eventually starting in two weeks (which have now elapsed, of course!)

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Alright, who was the tosspot who requested Blondie's "The Tide is High" on Virgin today?

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Actually, didn't he tell us before Christmas that this station was eventually starting in two weeks (which have now elapsed, of course!)

I'm actually filming some stuff tomorrow, hardly "the start" but a step in the right direction, blame SKY!

Obviously I will be tendering my resignation straight away due to my "joke" but I fully expect them not to accept it <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

Anyway, why are we still banging on about this tsunami, it's last years news!
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