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Question for Gonzo


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I know that you like to puzzle over these things. (Kamikazi pilots and helmets)


Here is a question. O hjave been driving around the home counties for the past few days and my car has got covered in the dirty salt that the gritters put down. So much so that some parts of the car are a dirty white.


The question I have got is, Why was there a half inch of snow on my car this morning surely it should have melted!

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My suspicion is that there was at one point (probably in the early hours) a full inch of snow on your car. However, by the time you emerged from your home the air temperature had risen sufficiently that half of the original inch had melted away leaving a half inch.


(....or perhaps Invis has got it right!)

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Steph said:
Why was there a half inch of snow on my car this morning surely it should have melted!

As always the real answer is: it's the wrong type of snow.

Little known fact:

In the Home Counties the gritters cater for a powder-based snow which is unique to their region. (This is due to the presence of what is known as a 'micro-climate'). Needless to say this type of grit is singularly ineffective when faced with your common 'flake' as is prevalent in Middlesex and much of the surrounding areas at the present time.

That is why there was still snow on your grit-covered car.
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But at least he SALTed it out.

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