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Tonights meeting


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Please could someone give a quick resumee of what was said at the meeting tonight please. I was at the AGM last week but cannot make it tonight as I am working. The new club sponsors are being announced and it would be good to see what players we have retained and what players may be coming in. It would be much appreciated.

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Unforunately I arrived a little late and misseed the majority of what was said, however I am sure the content of the meeting will be given on here shortly by someone. My surprise,pleasant surprise was to see more people attend than before. This is a sure sign that the people of Margate, those who have not,for whatever reason watched matches over the past couple of years, can now really see the return of our beloved club, back home, actually happening for real. This is only the start I feel and the further we get to kick-off the more the interest of those partes will be aroused again. Seeing all those cars parked inside and outside of the ground brought back those great memories from past years of well attended games.

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New club sponsors are Active signs.

If the club are promoted this year they will double the sponsorship money and if we get into the conference the following year they will treble it.

A good sponsor I think.

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margateshot, the new sponsors are Active. We have a three year deal, with bonuses for achieving Conference South and further. The team and all thirteen youth teams are bing fitted out with gear. The club has asked everyone's assistance in spreading the word, and selling the club in the commmunity. It is the club's intention, subject to the detailed planning permission consent, to start the next season debt free, with the CVA lifted. The CVA was to protect the club, but the club intends to honour all liabilities in full. CK is talking to present and new players, and hopes to start the season on a much firmer footing than last year. He has a budget, but Keith said that if the projected earnings exceed the planned ones, more will be available to CK for the playing side. Much of the projected revenue is in the hands of the fans, we need to encourage people back, with confidence that we will have our football team home again and playing again. Full details of the commercial side are available on the website, and the club encourages a take up of season tickets and sponsorship opportunities so that the club can get some forward revenue. You can get your orders in now for season tickets. If anyone knows a business that is interested in advertising, a brochure will soon be available, and MISA will have copies to give out. The club has been mystified at some of the negative postings on the forum, and urges everyone to comment based on fact rather than speculation, and if anyone is in any doubt about anything, to ask.

That's all I can remember at the moment.

Oh, and the pitch looks BEAUTIFUL.

There were journalists in the meeting taking notes, so you will probably get a better handle on things by reading the locals.

And on a personal note, it was absolutely splendid to be amongst so many friends, looking at the pitch, hearing straight talk from the club, and feeling good about what is ahead of us!

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Margatefan, many thanks for the update, it really is appreciated. A bit annoyed I could not be there tonight as it was my day off, but had to carry out a search at Buck House!! Lawns there not as good as the Hartsdown pitch looks. It was good to hear that a lot of fans turned up tonight and that a lot of positve things are happening. I agree with the fact that we need to promote it. was anything mentioned about my suggestion of a promotion stall in Margate or Westwood Cross near the opening season?

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I believe that the club wanted to go back to the amber and black colours of days gone by to commemerate this first year back home but this was knocked back by the fans. Quite rightly to. Blue is the colour!

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Due to my work I couldn't be there but it all sounds really great.


With regard to the colours, I believe that (to quote the old Chelsea song) blue is the colour but I have to say that I would dearly love to have the amber and black as change strip.


Gary Hyde

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Agree with you 100 per cent steve. He has no other interest except in his own ends. It was he who stirred up most of the s### on this forum in the first place after the season ended.

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This isnt practising anything. I was asking a decent question about the CVA and KPs hopefulness. His information he told us has made more questions and hasnt really made me feel much better about the financial situation. The biggest creditor is the 85% Inland Revenue. They could quite royally screw the club, since the club filed for protection from them yet they can decide if the CVA goes through or not. Thats my big concern. Theyve already refused one offer.


As I said at the meeting, the CVA is the only obstacle really getting in the way of MFC right now since everything else is falling nicely into place.

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But thats not OUR problem in the sense that we are fans and not shareholders or directors. Leave these things to them for goodness sake James. We are impressed wih your fact finding,or fiction finding,whatever the case be but its not our concern, directly. We can see you a clever guy so thats your point made so lets stop with trying to impress. Come on board with us and lets all be pally. We can achieve much much more for the club by keeping our feet on the ground and not trying to get beyond our station. We are all trying to take you in as a friend and supporter of the GATE but you do make it hard for yourself and for us to do so.

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