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Oi Rob. Youth at Clarence Park??


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Hi Rob.


Some joker has sent me an E-mail under the heading "Yoof football returns to Clarence Park". It was a pretty dastardly trick to play as, when I opened the thing, it referred to Stevenage Under 16 side playing their home games at Clarence Park on Sunday mornings. "See web-site for details".


Very funny, I thought. Someone thinks that it's April 1st, presumably.


Watch out for your own inbox, Rob.


Stevenage. Ho, Ho, Ho.


When are you likely to get to a game, Rob?

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Hmmnnnnnn. Next home game on Sunday week against Mighty East Thurrock United, Laz. It might be one to pop down t'Park and run the ruler over the School of Excellence that is Stevenage Borough's U.16s. If he's got any sense, Rob will edit his spelling of the name of Stevenage on another thread in the light of the relations that appear to have been forged with our Hertfordshire neighbours.


If the Stevenage side do well for their club, perhaps we should consider the formation of a Yoof set-up, not least in order to provide potential 1st team players of the future. Just imagine if we could 'produce' a few players of the calibre of Chris Seeby, Simon Martin, Craig Mackail-Smith. Home grown talent. That would be something.


Hang on a minute.........

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Forget PASE .... that finished a long time ago. Its now St Albans City Youth Development Accademy and they have two sides so yes they play there most Wednesdays.


Can"t quite believe this is true in light of previous comments regarding pitch use / crumbling ground / facilities etc but who knows. it would be nice if it was officially confirmed / denied......but I suppose if its true they pay well for the privalege.


A quick update on former youth players for those interested ... Greg Deacon suffered a broken fibula playing for Colney at the weekend. One of the most deliberate acts of serious foul play I have ever seen and the referee only saw fit to issue a yellow card .... dont ever complain about the quality of officials at the park !! Not quite as bad as first thought but obviously will be out for 10 - 12 weeks .....


.... Jake Attwood has also returned to our fair City and has played in 3 competeive games for Colney (at various levels) in an attempt to get back to playing on a regular basis.....


Good luck from me to both of them.

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It doesn't appear that the St Albans City Youth Development Academy [Formerly known as Steve Castle's PASE team] have a fixture against Stevenage Borough's School of Excellence U.16s, Caretaker. Perhaps the Officials of both outfits should organise a friendly to cement good relations and all that kind of stuff.


Perhaps Rob should give the Stevenage lads some publicity on his web-site? Perhaps a hand link thingy. I for one had never heard of them playing at t'Park.


As far as facilities are concerned, CT, Gibbo referred briefly to the poor quality of facilities at t'Park as the reason why we cannot attract Arsenal Ladies and Watford Reserves to the Fortress in the St Albans Observer last week. [Pampered bunch of overpaid superstars, if you ask me. They should try jumpers for goalposts. See what they think of 'the facilities', then.] Or it might have been the Herts Ad. Or maybe the match-day programme. Whatever. There was no reference to 'pitch use', however, as I recall.


Bad news about Greg 'Tubbsy' Deacon, but better news about Jake. Good luck to those two from me, too.

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AFF said:
As far as facilities are concerned, CT, Gibbo referred briefly to the poor quality of facilities at t'Park as the reason why we cannot attract Arsenal Ladies and Watford Reserves to the Fortress in the St Albans Observer last week.

That's interesting. What has changed with the facilities since Spurs and, more recently, Arenal Ladies did decide to use them?

Perhaps there is another agenda.
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I've no idea ["what's changed with the facilities"], Laz. Perhaps you should ask Gibbo when you're next enjoying the prawn sandwiches!


Arsenal Ladies have gone back to The Woood and Spurs Reserves play at Ware, I believe. I have no idea what these people expect of their 'hosts' in the way of facilities, but I would have thought that those at t'Park are little different from those other Non League grounds. better parking for the club Ferraris, perhaps.


I always thought that we should have made 'more' of our link with Arsenal Ladies - a corner of the clubhouse made available for the display of their shirts, scarves, team photographs, player profiles, honours etc. etc.- but I don't suppose that would count for too much in itself. What do I know about anything, anyway?


I can't imagine an agenda, Laz. Why eject Arsenal Ladies, Watford and Spurs Reserves just to make the Fortress available to Stevenage Borough's School of Excellence U.16s, anyway? No, call me stupid but I can't see it.

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Now I'm not promoting one view or another Laz, but I recall a comment from Gibbo in a match-day programme or it might have been the St Albans Observer or the Herts Advertiser to the effect that no works are being undertaken at the Fortress in the light of a move to a new ground.


As far as I am concerned, that was the first public utterance concerning a relocation that I can recall, and remarkably to some, but not to others, the comment provoked no public debate. And no, he can't really have Wales in mind.


Perhaps Gibbo has a definite date for the opening of the new facility, but if it is not yet secured, and remains uncertain, I would have thought that some work needs to be done at Clarence Park as it's looking somewhat tired to me. I appreciate that it will be difficult to re-cycle paint from pitchside fencing and the stand etc, but a few gallons wouldn't cost that much, I would have thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember some many many years ago, when Dick East was Sec..They had an arrangement with Carlton under 18s as a youth feeder team..It worked for a while.....Ask My old playing mate Jimmy"Ginger"Norris if you see him. He will tell you all about it. Being as I played for Fleetville old boys at the same time. I remember that Carlton had a good lot of quality youngsters.

The under 16s and under 18 leagues in the Mid Herts league were very popular and well supported.

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