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Don't you just love a bit of friendly rivalry! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> Angels beat G&N 7-3 !!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bigshock.gif" alt="" />


I feel a song coming on....... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/chloe.gif" alt="" />

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That major effort was to inspire people to come & see BOTH clubs & its both stupid & ungrateful of you to make a joke out of it.I doubt we will improve on our attendances now but you may or could have if you hadnt put out such a stupid unthought of rash remark like that.You continue to have 350 max people go to see you if thats what you want.I hope your club & fellow followers of Ramsgate FC are pleased with your own goal.Am sure they wilbe very appreciative.

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Try putting an effort into helping your club more rather than trying to be a wise guy eh!. Im not wound up because of your posts mate I am pissed of wwith your attitude in the same way that I am pissed of with our teams attitude in the second half tonight.

When you make a serious effort to help BOTH clubs its not fun to have it slung back in your face.Thats what you are doing by trying to be clever. You have a problem & I suggest you see someone to medically check you out.

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Think he is just on a wind up.

Keep up the good work Cookie re-drumming up support for the two Thanet highflyers.


Sometimes good to lose like that after a good run otherwise players forget to put the effort in, and begin to believe the hype, as has happened to Rams a few times this season. Reality check that needs correct response.

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Sorry Ramos but the hard work I have done this week (& I dont want thanks for it as it was something I chose to do voluntarily) has proberbly now been shattered. Its bad enough our players let us down,let me down I feel, but when a young twat like that directs a post to the very person who I am trying to get on side,to get major coverage for both clubs just smacks.If we get just a small piece now because of both our result tonight but more importantly because of Robs silliness & thoughtlessness then I will be amazed. A front page(which is what I was after) seems dead now & it will be because of his post to the sports editor of the local rag.(He knows full well he is monotoring posts).

The performance & result I can put up with but the idiotic unthought out remarks he has made does nothing for either club.If your attendances dont improve then put it down to him & not any teams lacklustre performances.We shall just have to see how much has been salvaged from this now.

He really is a prat sometimes. Theres a time & place to have joke & to try get a response that gives one a laugh but there is also time for a little respect & appreciation. Mr. Butler has no idea & has proberbly blunted any progress that will have already been made. Its the above that riles me more than any poor performance by our lads. That can be retrievable but you only get one shot at getting the front pages.That may be gone now in the light of his stupidity.We'll just have to wait & see how much damage has been made.Ive done all I can now anyway as Wednesday is the final day before editing.

I thank you for your support however & appreciate that not ALL ramsgate fans are as infantile & as stupid as he is.

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