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I think you'll find we are both Non-League!


However, our cathedral, despite some Victorian vandalism, retains some of its original Norman fabric and historic value; yours has none.


I'm quite looking forward to visiting Bath this season to check theirs out. The Conf South truely is the place to be for cathedrals this season.

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Originally Posted By: Laz

I'm quite looking forward to visiting Bath this season to check theirs out. The Conf South truely is the place to be for cathedrals this season.

Cambridge obviously. May be able to get down to Southampton's before the Eastleigh game.
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Christopher Walken


Christopher Walken, whose name is an anagram for God, is the oldest living human being. Currently residing two kilometers below the Earth's crust, Walken lives in complete solitude. However, every three years, he surfaces to feed on discarded fetal tissue and appear in a feature film.


Walken has also entered into the Chuck Norris vs. Vin Diesel war, and has stabbed them both in the face with a fecking soldering iron.


CW Trivia


Has a Master's Degree in Palmistry from the University of Budapest.

Patron Saint of the cowbell.

Has the power to paralyze anyone instantly just by thinking about them. For example, if you have ever stopped and totally forgotten what you were just about to do, it's because Christopher Walken was just thinking about you.

Knows the cure to cancer but thinks mankind isn't ready for it yet.


Is secretly the Pope of all Protestants. Catholics, too.

Is the only person worshipped and adored by Britney Spears.

He will come in glory to judge the living and the dead, but only on weekends as he has a very busy schedule.

He is known to smoke 76.000 cigars every hour.

His real name is Walken Christopher.

Is the polar opposite to Christopher Reeves.


Is mostly, certainly, probably not a robot... anymore.

Before every film he kills a homeless person, for luck.

Accidently invented thermonuclear fusion when lighting up a cigar.

Christopher Walken's first job was that of a Circus clown. It ended in tragedy one night when Walken became enraged at having to drive that tiny car in which he and seventeen other clowns were packed like sardines. He became so angry that he decided to take the big top by force.

He denies that he is a direct descendant of Jesus Christ, as the book The Da Vinci Code claims.

Once bit the head off a Chihuahua while a little girl was taking it for a walk. The little girl cried so much he got pissed off and he bit her head off too.


Although there are rumours, is not William Shatner. Although William Shatner is God-like, he is not a God.

The other universal constant is the speed of Christopher Walken, along with the speed of light.

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