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Great performance by the whole team, my bete-noire Tomlinson even had a decent game. IF only we could have had that commitment and desire a few weeks back we'd be sitting in play-off heaven right now. Have to say C*#*(y were playing understrength and with an eye on a Cup Final.

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ray bellici said:
Have to say C*#*(y were playing understrength

No excuses now, going by the c*nv*y prog they only had 2 changes (Berquez for Boylan and Cowan for Ward) from the team that played Boxing day.

If you're interested, and I'm sure you are, we had 4 changes - Graham, Reddington, Okita and A.Jones out, Trott, Henty, Opara and Tomlinson in.
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Talking of pikie excuses, I see fat Jeff and Mr. Marshall are trotting out the "tired players" excuses in tonight's echo; totally missing the point that C*nv*y had had an extra 24 hours rest prior to the game, Billericay having kicked off against Bognor just 45 hours previously. Anyway they've got a huge squad - 18 players have either started or been sub 25+ times this season.

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going back to the echo, i thought the report was bad. I no mr d marshal has to defend his team, but he could have thrown some praise onto our players for what was a great performance. insted he rolled out the tired players excuse for a canvey defeat. He even managed a jibe at our small band of followers (if you class 150+ as small for this level), a right joke considering canveys pathetic attendances. I fear our coverasge in the echo next season with canvey being in the confrence could be down to just a couple of lines.

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Of course you could read the vastly superior match reports in this weeks Gazette, two very fine pieces of literature if you ask me, an entire page devoted to Essex's finest club. 1400+ words over two matches all killer, no filler <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Not that I'm in any way biased....

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Not keen on the Echo's match reporting and news. Tends to be very repetitive and doesn't tell you anything you didn't know before.


Marshall is definitely not critical enough of Canvey. When we were playing well below par at the start of last season he said very little about it especially as some players looked like they were putting in very little effort!


To go to the other extreme, Dick Davies at BBC Essex rarely gives out praise to Canvey and when he does it is very grudging.

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