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The seasons end is almost here, so lets cast our mind back over the last 9 months and talk about what was the best and the worst moments of the 2003 / 2004 season.


For me, the best moment was seeing Steve Jone's goal bounce over the Canvey Keepers arm for our second goal at theor gaff, Easter Bank Holiday Monday.


The worst was our poor showing against Northwood last year where we lost 4-1. I was so gutted, I couldn't even post anything on the forum....


The funniest moment was the Stanstead game in the Essex Senior Cup being stopped for a Hedgehog on the pitch in the Stanstead goal area, with their keeper looking confused as he didn't know if he should pick it up or kick it upfield for one of their players to head it on......He picked it up in the end....Only in Non League Football....lol


So....what is yours?

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worst moment...northwood was a horrid day and ended with justin offering his resignation. With hindsight the first game of the season has to go down as a bad moment as we were 2 up at aylesbury and lost 3-2. how important those 3 points would have been now and maybe the team would have been playing with more confidence.


Best moment....very hard to pick in a season that saw us finish in a relegation position but obviously the canvey win was great. But more importantly the arrival of Steve Kent was the best moment for me.

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only making a few games this season, best would have to be the win at canvey, worst probably the huge trip to kettering for a $hit performance.

aside from moments at games, the highlight would probably be the arrival of steve as above, and the revival in general, and the low would be when 'billericay 0 carshalton 1' rolled through on the vidiprinter and i thought ' oh god weve lost again'

after an encouraging pre season and the arrival of a new manager, losing five games on the trot was a huge disappointment

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Worst moment had to be the failure to put away chance after chance in the Ks game. Wouldn’t say Northwood was the worst moment of the season as it was just a general summary of how we were playing at their time of playing good football sometimes even taking the lead and then conceded a goal which then as a result saw heads drop as confidence was so low at that point


High point had to be the arrival of Steve Kent as the club was quiet clearly heading to the wall if it didn’t get some new cash on the pitch obviously Ashley Harrison making a mess of Steve Jones bobbling shot to give us victory on the isle of [****!!****] but looking back on that game and the performance its so disappointing as if they had played like that in the last 2 games we would be going to Northwood with everything stiil to play for


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Worst game - still think it's Northwood, our collapse after they equalised was embaressing. Worst moment - having done the hard work and got back into contention for a play off spot, the way we've been unable to take the final step out of the bottom 4 with 3 poor performances.


Best games - our first win of the season vs Hornchurch. Demolishing Heybridge 4-1 and laying to rest the "last time we won a league game coming from behind" question.


Personal best moment - getting my first "by-lines" in the gazette and nlp....Ego I know!



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Our annihilation of Heybridge I thought was our best performance of the season

Other good bits:

Danny's fantastic hat-trick against Hitchin

Beating Canvey

Steve taking over



Northwood at home without a shadow of doubt

Other bad bits:

Too many bad results at home

Finding out the playing budget for the start of the season


Funniest and Saddest moment:

Jimmy Lee's shinned attempt at a cross against Ford which he spooned into the stands when completely unchallenged. The Ford subs warming up just pissed themselves laughing. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I just drank....

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